The title says its all really... whats your thoughts?
The title says its all really... whats your thoughts?
I’ve tried both and it really depends on the individual and what works for you! Personally my lining was poor on a medicated cycle and perfect on a natural cycle. Both natural cycles resulted in a bfp for me and my medicated cycles resulted in chemical pregnancies. I just don’t respond to medicated oestrogen but a lot of women do and have great success xxx
I see.... with the natural when did you test for progesterone? X
A natural cycle can involve a few more scans and usually (everyone is different) on day 14 in my case I started using Cyclogest 400 pessaries rectally (they tell you vaginal use is best but not if you are sensitive. I have bloods to check i’m Absorbing it well and rectally is always good) usually you’re on these for a good 4 or 5 days pre transfer and the transfer is usually on day 19 if it’s a 5 day transfer and ovulation trigger was on day 14 xxx
Ok....thx for your reply... i think my clinic wants to go straight for medicated because its easier for them 😬😬
It is easier!! Good luck 🤞🏼😘
I’ve done natural and found that a lot easier than on drugs from my fresh cycle. Though I only did this on the FET so unsure how diff is than a fresh cycle. Know my consultant said that all the drugs can over stimulate everything which did for me and may have been reason for my bfn where as my natural cycle sorted things for my next one which was a bfp. Miscarried then but was a good start I guess. Think depends on u and ur body’s cycle and process. Best wishes ☺️
Hi destiny
I had a medicated fet as that's what the clinic advised doing first. I responded well to the medication, and didn't find it too bad just long. Got a BFP but unfortunately had a miscarriage. We are due to have another fet soon and we are doing medicated again as I responded well to the drugs and I didn't have to visit the clinic that often which is a bonus as it's a 50 min drive away. Good luck xxx