Absolutely fuming : I'm taking my first... - Fertility Network UK

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Absolutely fuming

23 Replies

I'm taking my first injection tonight and I wanted to get into the habit of taking it around 8.30pm every night. I get back from work to find that my oh has invited his mates around for drinks!! I actually can't believe he would do that today of all days. On top of that I've got awful period pains so just wanna sit on the sofa and not move.


23 Replies

Sorry in my anger I posted too early. I'm now in my bedroom wanting to cry.

HPLondon profile image

Argh how annoying!! I feel your frustrations. When you’re calmer, make sure you tell him that it’s not on and explain why.

in reply to HPLondon

Thank you, he said he was sorry and explained that he expected his friends to leave earlier. x

Raoo profile image

So sorry to hear that... that must be so frustrating. Call him to the bed room and talk to him

in reply to Raoo

Thanks, spoke to him after his friends left in the end and sorted it out!

Mifkipi profile image

Oh dear that doesn't sound great. What about getting him to do injections for you? Maybe he will feel more involved that way?

in reply to Mifkipi

Thank you. He will definitely be helping out with the next injections, he learnt his lesson that's for sure!!

Mifkipi profile image
Mifkipi in reply to

That's good! My husband didn't understand the tremendous pressure I was under as well. Just make sure you communicate well with him. They will never be able to understand fully but at least they will be more helpful!

He was supposed to be doing my injections! He has been so involved in this process I just don't understand why he chose to do this today.

I've literally just done my injection myself alone in my bedroom which was not how I saw this evening going.

Aargh. Maybe it’s all got to him too? I hope he can explain himself later. Xx

in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Yes he explained himself and sais he expected his friends to leave earlier! Safe to say he won't be doing that again! Thanks :)

AnnieAnnie profile image

I know how you feel today Renee1987. I had my first endo scratch today. I knew I could get through it but wanted OH there. He booked himself a physio appt of all days and when he knows I have this appt. The drive there should have been 1.5 hrs but took over 2 hrs. I was stressing about getting there on time, about what was going to happen to me, about having enough fuel etc etc. But I did it!! I feel stronger for it but I have been emotional (had a cry in the car which helped) but I do feel let down by him. I'm going to tell him how I feel and ask that it be a one-off as we are supposed to be team. I hope you manage to chill out in your room and get some you time. It will help if you talk to him, maybe in the morning if he is having drinks. Sending you hugs xx

in reply to AnnieAnnie

Ah I'm so annoyed for you. Men can really be so thoughtless and the feeling of being let down by your partner is awful. Did you speak to him about it? I hope he understood that it was not ok and apologized. Well done you for getting through the endo scratch, definitely treat yourself today. I plan on buying myself some chocolate after my first injection episode last night! Sending you hugs too hun xx

AnnieAnnie profile image
AnnieAnnie in reply to

Thank you x Yes men can be thoughtless! He has said sorry and booked his next appts around my scans. Well done you too for getting through your injection, i hope tonight's has gone smoother and hope you got your chocolate treat. Glad you talked it out, go you for being strong! My SIL got cake today which was a great treat 😊 xx

Kyell2 profile image

Ahh how annoying. Men can be so inconsiderate and I’ll bet when you point this out he’ll be so surprised that you feel this way!

Hopefully you can talk it through tomorrow, then you definitely deserve some form of apology present.

Well done you for doing the injection yourself. Sending hugs xx

in reply to Kyell2

Thanks Kyell, he was surprised by how angry I was which made it all the more frustrating! He did apologise in the end though. He won't be doing it again! :)

Cinderella5 profile image

Awww hun! Bloody men!👊 Run yourself a nice hot bath and chill for a wee while. Your OH has been hugely insensitive but for now just you look after you....conversation to be had another time!! Sending hugs!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks lovely, feeling better today after talking it out with him. Will treat myself to some chocolate today! xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Im glad you're feeling a bit better! Well deserved chocolate, enjoy!xx

Linzb profile image

🙁 sorry to hear that, hopefully when he realises he’ll make it up to you for the rest of the cycle. How did u find the injection? X

in reply to Linzb

Yes he will definitely be making it up to me, I think the message got through last night! The injection in itself was a piece of cake, however I had so much difficulty removing the needle that I had to use a spanner!!

jengi profile image

Lovely, this isn’t acceptable. He needs to be more thoughtful and considerate now more than ever. But men can be so forgetful some times and I hope he can explain himself & apologise. I can only imagine how alone you feel, but we are all here supporting you. You need to find some way of keeping this on his mind. My husband is so forgetful, it drives me crackers! We pop things in each other’s phone calendars & have a chalk board in the kitchen for putting reminders on. I need to remember to text him during the day to remind him. We have a code name for my drugs that we use so others around us are oblivious. My husband sits with me every time I do my injections, even though he goes green at the sight of a needle! His job is to get any bubbles out of the syringe 🙃 I hope these tips are useful, good luck darling. I hope today is a better day Xx

Thanks hun. That is such a good idea about having code names! It's always so difficult to speak about the nitty gritty of it all in front of friends, even if they know about our journey we don't necessarily want to share every detail! My hubby's job was to set up the first injection for me but obviously that didn't work out! He plans on making it up to me though. Thanks for your advice xx

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