So after 8 months of what seems like the longest protocol I have been on with my first ever ivf cycle, I am finally going in for my frozen transfer tomorrow morning. I am having 2 blasts put back in. I have suffered so much physical pain on this journey (still in pain as I write this post) that I don't think I can do this again if it doesnt work. It has taken its toll on me and pretty much left me what feels like I am here as physically but mentally paraylsed as it has affected almost every aspect of my life with the horrendous endometriosis pain I have endured. I am however, greatful that I have got this far and kept on fighting on this journey to get to transfer. I will have to wait 10 days for a hcg test to see the result. The Dr said not to do a pregnancy test at home. I know these few weeks are going to be really hard. I am so so scared for tomorrow, the anxiety of having more pain after transfer and/or the horrific bleeding that I may get in the process which will kick start everything again. π. I must try and stay strong I know.
Thank you for your support on this journey. If anybody has some good tips or advice for me for post transfer, please do say.
Cyrstal x