Good evening,
Finally have been referred to a fertility specialist from via my GP. I have no idea what to expect. Any advice or anything I need to know, or just the process itself?
I have been referred and I have called the clinic to see when I will likely receive a letter for an appointment, as I was supposed to have been referred back in March. The clinic have apparently requested more information from my GP so still awaiting that information. Apparently it can take up to 18 weeks to get an appointment. This waiting game feels extremely long. (We've been TTC since 2016), so I am growing impatient.
I feel upset, and try to remain positive but I have good and bad days. I just would like to get my tubes checked, so I feel perhaps I should do this privately whilst I wait to get an appointment. Has anyone else gone to a private clinic in London? Or had the same experience in waiting 4 months to even get an appointment?
Feeling a bit lost as to what I should be doing, and I just want to be pro-active in this process and want to get the ball rolling as I feel like I have to keep trying.
(I have been diagnosed with PCOS since suffering with this for approx 20 years & not knowing what I had.)
Any advice welcomed. Wishing you all lots of hope, faith and luck on your journey's.