Hi all we feel really confused 😐
Second transfer 5dblastocyst last Wednesday.
My clinic get us to test day 3,6,10 after transfer. First transfer we got bfp but miscarried at 5 weeks. I got a bfp on home test at day 6 first time. My bloods first time
Day 3 progesterone 90, estrogen 3700 hcg 2 day 6 progesterone 190 estrogen 3700 hcg 23 day 10 progesterone 190 estrogen 3800 hcg 113
My bloods this time
Day 3 progesterone 90, estrogen 770 hcg 1 day 5 progesterone 88 estrogen 3670 hcg 1
We assume it’s all over as hcg not increased and levels every where. Home pregnancy test first response 6 days early negative. Today hubby and I have cried and started to grieve as it was our last time. We then get our doctors call to say increase meds all not list still a chance! We feel this is false hope but wondered if anyone can give us any information or advice or if this has happened to them with late implantation? I know in uk they do not do all of these tests. Feel such a roller coaster. Had thought I would be told to stop meds. So confused. Any info would be really appreciated xxx