6dp5dt FET no symptoms, first round! ... - Fertility Network UK

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6dp5dt FET no symptoms, first round! Newbie here :)

saminga profile image
44 Replies

Hi everyone! I'm new to the site. Currently in my 2WW after my FET. 6dp5dt at the moment. No symptoms to speak of really. Very very nervous and emotional and could use any extra encouragement that this could work! I've been through so much already (as many of us have) and just so hoping for an amazing surprise rather than more devastation! We transferred a 3AA expanding blast, this is my first round of IVF. Thanks for reading (the short version of) my story!

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saminga profile image
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44 Replies
beauty1984 profile image

Try not to worry too much, I had no symptoms during my 2ww and even now there’s nothing. We have our 6 week scan tomorrow 😊 all I can suggest is to not test early and to rest as much as you can. Good luck for test day x

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to beauty1984

Thanks so much for the kind words and comfort! Wishing you a wonderful 6 week scan!

Autumnmoon profile image

Wishing you all the best x

silvanti_78 profile image

I am on my 5th day past Blastocsyts transfer. we spend 3 weeks in istanbul for treatment and honest the closer the test day comes, the more nervous I get. I have no syptoms just breast tenderness which I had already before the transfer.

the oetrogen & pregesterone make me bloat a lot and honest.. I have never felt so un-attractive... really longing for a hot bath as its so cold here...

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to silvanti_78

Oh goodness I miss baths too even though it's quite warm here in the US! Me too, closer to test, nerves are high! I'm gonna try to go to a yoga class today and relax. Let me know how your test goes okay? Mine is Wednesday (2 days away ahhhh!) Love to you

silvanti_78 profile image
silvanti_78 in reply to saminga

you do a HCG test 8 days after transfer ? so early. ... I thought 10 days is already too early lol.... I think I am trying to push this test away as long as I can hahah .. good luck to you :)

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to silvanti_78

We do 9 days after transfer for a 5 day blast! I know it feels really soon to me too, but I guess the baby would implant within 3 days after the transfer so there should be HCG in my system by now if it's going to take! I know what you mean, I want to know, but I'm also content with being PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise) at least there's hope you know?! Best wishes!

abcgirl profile image
abcgirl in reply to silvanti_78

I’m 4dp5dt. My OTD is May 11 😫 Feels like an eternity away. This is my first FET and I’m so much more nervous than during my first 2ww after my fresh transfer.

CJ104 profile image

Good luck xx

saminga profile image

Oh thank you SO much mishslade! That gives me so much hope! Awwww Congrats on your BFB! I know this will all be worth it in the end. Such a tough thing to go through, but I know we will appreciate and love our babies more than words can describe because of it!

abcgirl profile image

Thanks for posting this and for all the replies... I’m In The exact same boat. 4dp5dt and feel nothing. It’s a FET so not even really feeling the effects of the pills and pessaries. Fingers crossed for you (and me!)

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to abcgirl

You're so welcome, I'm so glad we have each other for support! I'd be going crazy (well, more than I already am) without the reassurance and wisdom of IVF/FET goddesses who have gone before me, and the ones walking the same path alongside me!

KJLee profile image

I'm glad you've asked this too! I'm 6dp5dt. I had bloating and tender boobs but felt like this before transfer. The symptoms have gone now so I was thinking it's probably going to be a BFN! I suppose everyone reacts differently. Testing in 2 days time (which seems really early!) but I'm counting down he hours!!

Fingers crossed for us all :) xx

silvanti_78 profile image
silvanti_78 in reply to KJLee

wow so early OMG---- I am testing on day 13 ..... sigh... I hate waiting....

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to KJLee

Eeeeeek wishing you a BFP KJLee, may we all have some sticky baby dust this week! I think we will be testing the same day lets check in okay?! <3

KJLee profile image
KJLee in reply to saminga

Yes definitely! 😊

lolita83 profile image

I’m testing on May 3rd. I can’t stand the wait much longer either. Hardly have symptoms either just sore boobs from the progesterone and absolute exhaustion (from the stress of the wait I think lol). Good luck everyone, staying positive is soooo hard xx

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to lolita83

Best of luck to you Lolita! May we get our BFPs this week, how amazing would that be?! Glad to have you IVF sisters alongside me in this TWW, it's soooooo long!

I don't have any symptoms (except for fuller boobs and bloating which I've had on and off since stims!) and I got my BFP on Sunday. I did also get a bit of cramping but that's stopped too! Good luck to all you ladies testing soon. I hope it's great news for you all xx

saminga profile image

Ladies, I can't believe it. I gave in and took an HPT this morning, I wanted to emotionally prepare for tomorrow fully expecting nothing. I have never in my life seen two lines. I was shaking like a leaf when I looked at the test. BFP. I am still in absolute shock. No symptoms whatsoever still. I ran upstairs to tell my (sleeping) husband and we are both just stunned and absolutely excited. I have been trying for so long, multiple rounds of failed femara, iui, etc. this is an absolute miracle. I know I have a long way to go (Beta tomorrow etc.) but I just wanted to share and THANK you all so much for your support and love. Sending you all two blazing red lines or a positive beta! Prayers that this is my take home miracle! <3

Smang profile image
Smang in reply to saminga

Yayy amazing congratulations! I was just going to message you and say I had no symptoms with my bfp. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy xx

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to Smang

Thank you SO much!

Benita1986 profile image
Benita1986 in reply to saminga

Congratulations! That’s beautiful news ❤️ Xx

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to Benita1986

Thank you so much!

elle80 profile image

Congratulations Saminga 😘 xx

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to elle80

Thanks SO much! I'm still in disbelief!

elle80 profile image
elle80 in reply to saminga

Haha bless you! I don't think it sinks in for quite a while! 💙 It's just so bizarre 😆 Good luck with your pregnancy eek xx

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to elle80

Totally surreal, hah I don't think I'll believe it until I have a giant belly and feel a kick! SO looking forward to that. Hope this is it! You know after going through so much it's hard to just trust this! But trying to let in the joy!

Oh wow! Congratulations xx

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to

Thank you so much! Unreal!

Stepharni profile image

That's fabulous, congratulations Saminga

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to Stepharni

Thank you so very much! Truly a miracle!

silvanti_78 profile image
silvanti_78 in reply to saminga

Congrats ! When are you getting the Beta HCG results back ?

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to silvanti_78

Today, eeeeek! I'll let you know the number!

silvanti_78 profile image
silvanti_78 in reply to saminga

Waiting impatiently with you:-)

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to silvanti_78

Any news for you yet?!

silvanti_78 profile image
silvanti_78 in reply to saminga

Bloods on Friday sighhh

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to silvanti_78

First Beta = 211!

saminga profile image

Hey guys, just got my first Beta back at 211, is that good? I think that's good? Now hoping for the double on Friday!

silvanti_78 profile image
silvanti_78 in reply to saminga

This is v v v good ! Congrats ❤️❤️❤️

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to silvanti_78


lolita83 profile image
lolita83 in reply to saminga

Hey congrats!! Sooo exciting. I got a positive too. Feeling the same ..:. Want to let it the joy but it’s hard when the journey so far is in the back of your mind. Hope Fridays test went ok. Xx

saminga profile image
saminga in reply to lolita83

Awww SO happy for you! I know it's both the most amazing and terrifying thing all at once. Friday went well beta came back at 580 so doubling nicely. Today I am 5 weeks, still no symptoms except peeing a lot, makes me quite nervous! How are you feeling?! What are your beta numbers? HUGE congratulations and I'm excited we can be preggo buddies! <3

Supermommy profile image

Hallo Saminga, just read through your experience and hope your baby is growing well and healthy. I am in the same situation you were 2 years ago, 6dp5dt and absolutely no symptom. Tested at 5dpt5dt and got a BFN. When did you start getting symptoms. Hoping you can still read and help out with some relevant Information. Thanks

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