Despite my official test date not being until next Wednesday, I couldn't help myself and tested this afternoon and got a faint line!! Early days trying not to get too excited, after 4 years of ttc seeing a second line was very surreal!
FET 6dp5dt: Despite my official test... - Fertility Network UK
FET 6dp5dt

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Tht looks like a very strong line.... but please wait until otd... i did the same on my first cycle and had this(albeit the line wasnt as dark as that) and it was a false positive as i still had the trigger shot on my system... i realy hope its ur bfp but just be a little more patient..... good luck honey xx
Thank you, yeh im not getting carried away at the minute will do another test on my offical date, as it was a frozen transfer I didn't have a trigger shot xx
Congratulations 😘 I tested at 6dp5dt..and got a bfp and now I'm over 9 weeks pregnant. Plus if you had a fet, you wouldn't have the trigger shot, right? Woo hoo to you xx
Thank you, hope your pregnancy is going well, yeh i didnr have the trigger shot this time round xx
Congratulations! That’s a dark line xx
Looks like a nice strong bfp to me!! 🤞🏼 I’m terrible and have always tested from 5 days post 5 day transfer. As long as your trigger shot was over 12 days ago it’s fine. Good luck xxx

Thank you. I couldn't resist testing today. I didn't have a trigger shot this time as it was a frozen transfer. Xx
Massive Congratulations! Our stories are so similar, I got my positive result today too, first one ever! Feels so surreal.. xxx
You early testers are naughty 😜 but congratulations! It looks promising xx

Naughty or sensible?? In my job I dealt with clients and ran training sessions. Can you imagine getting through that when a bleed creeps up on you?? Testing from around day 10 is absolutely fine as long as you understand that chemical pregnancies can happen and you know what you’re doing.
Each to their own though......... we all handle this thing differently x
It was said in good humour hence the 😜 I would never judge another lady for when they choose to test. You're right, testing from 10dpt is acceptable for some clinics but you would never be advised to test at 6dpt and having a positive test doesn't eliminate the possibility of a bleed. Don't get me wrong, I was desperate to test early but having had a CP before I didn't want to run the risk of knowing if it happened again. Anyway, the test looks great and strong so I'm really pleased for the OP. My post was never intended to come across negatively and I would be horrified if it was taken in that way. X

6 days past a 5 day transfer is 11 days past ovulation. I’ve been on this journey 8 years. I’ve had 2 successful pregnancies and many chemical pregnancies so I can tell you that 10 or 11 days past ovulation is well and truely long enough for any trigger shot to have left your system. If you see a faint line at 10 or 11 dpo then you are pregnant! Testing again in 38 hours will give you a clear indication if the levels are on the way up, staying the same or on the way down. If you don’t see the line get stronger then a chemical pregnancy is likely so you can brace yourself for the emotions that brings rather than a gush of blood out of the blue.
Being on this journey is so, so hard. We all have our own way of coping. I give my advice because it helped me and I hope it can help someone else.... some people will find it comforting some would rather wait it out and that’s all ok, whatever gets us through.
I hear people all the time saying “you mustn’t test early” and I don’t like that because if done properly it can help.
I didn't say anything about it being the trigger shot... I also didn't say she wasn't pregnant - I said it looked promising and congratulated her. I'm not really sure why you've targeted my comment when I really didn't say anything offensive. To be honest this feels like a massive attack and again I'm not sure why. X

Sorry again if it felt like I was attacking you... sometimes comes from having strong opinions.
Good luck on your journey 💕

I’m sorry, I realise that you did say it tounge in cheek. I just want to be clear about why I think testing early can be helpful.... even where chemical pregnancies are involved. Every time I’ve had a chemical pregnancy (and I’ve had a few), I’ve known to expect the bleed because I’ve seen it on the htp and it’s helped me mentally prepare.
I understand why clinics advise what they advise.... they don’t want loads of phone calls with positives and negatives but that doesn’t mean we have to keep ourselves in the dark.
I think our posts crossed. It was said tongue in cheek. I reiterate, I would never judge someone on how they choose to handle their journey. X

No I agree I don’t think we’re massively at cross purposes at all. I understand the point of view of waiting until test day, there’s a lot to be said for that and you’ve had your own awful experience of a chemical pregnancy which is going to give you an understanding of what you need to do to cope with that. A bfp on test day is certainly easier to cope with than the highs and lows of a positive then a negative I’d agree with that.
I’m just presenting another view that’s all and why doing something different was good for me. I’d never make it until test day, I always bled beforehand and it always crept up on me at the most inconvenient time. With a stressful job and a less than understanding boss, I needed to prepare.
Just flying the flag for the early testers.
Looking good. Congratulations! x
Congratulations!! That’s a good line. Don’t listen to anyone telling you it’s the remnants of your trigger shot you are 11 dpo so the trigger shot is gone. I always test early (despite the nae sayers) because I needed to have some control, I couldn’t bear the thought of a bleed creeping up on me while I was working.... can you imagine presenting a training session or being with a client and suddenly feeling that gush??!!
Anyway you’re a grown up so I don’t have to tell you that chemical pregnancies come with the territory...... but this is a massively positive sign!!
I’d test every 38 hours now until test day now, you should see that line get darker which will help reassure you until then. Once I’ve phoned the result in on test day, I switch to digital and watch the weeks go up...... that should see you through until your scan.
Whoop!! Congrats again.... fingers crossed for you xxx
Wow pretty clear for this stage too, congratulations!!xx
Congratulations. Nice lines for early testing. Xx
Congratulations keeping my finger crossed for you ☺
Congratulations! I’m a few days further along than you and it’s so hard not to get excited isn’t it?! Just don’t ring your clinic until OTD. I was excited and rang them and they brought me down to earth with a bump (see my recent post!) Fingers crossed for you xxx