What is the earliest scan you can have. My daughter is going crazy worrying about her viability scan so I was gonna pay for a private one if you can get one xx
Earliest scan: What is the earliest... - Fertility Network UK
Earliest scan

Hi Gilly I know how she feels, it’s absolutely terrifying. Following my ivf they wanted me to have my first scan at 6 weeks so you can see if it’s measuring accurately according to date and if there is a heartbeat, sac etc present. Not really worth doing one any sooner than that xxx

She will be 6 weeks and 3 days when she has it. Just looked and you can get one at exactly 6 weeks but probably best to wait till the hospital one . There is nothing I can say to make her feel better xx
I know how she feels. I lost weight from nerves which is dangerous in itself as well as the stress but it’s great to wait those extra couple of days. I had mine at 6wks 4 days and was wonderful to see a flickering heartbeat 🙏🏼Xxx
I've calculated that I will be 7 weeks 1day when I have mine, and wish it could be sooner! Although when I spoke to the nurse on Saturday she reckoned I was 4 weeks exactly but I worked out 4w4d cos I did lots of those ivf calculators, she's wrong obviously haha. Your daughter hasn't got much longer to wait, perhaps offer to pay for one between the first scan and the next one cos I expect that wait will be even longer. Xx
Yeah I’ve thought of that as well. Just wish she could enjoy what’s happening to her but she is so scared to get attached and excited xx
Bless her. It's a scary time. I keep googling things about what can go wrong etc. Which I know isn't very healthy lol. But it's like I'm preparing myself, just incase! But I'm also enjoying the fact that I'm actually pregnant right this minute and I'm happy about that 😊 xx
Super mum maybe look online and order hcg test for her to relax her that'll keep her going till the scan 💝😘
Hi Gillyc1. The scan she has booked will show her little ones heartbeat. If she has it any earlier, she won’t see that, just get measurements of a yolk sac. I’m sure that would probably make her even more anxious, so please ask her to wait if possible, it’s not too long away now. So far, there’s been no reason to suspect there is anything wrong. If she wants she can phone me tomorrow from 10.00am - 4.00pm on the Support Line, and I will talk her through what’s going on with little one at the moment. My number is 0121 323 5025. Diane
I had a scan at 5 weeks x
Completely understand this it is so difficult I think you are a huge help to your daughter but I know how hard it is to see her stressed and worried all we can do is focus on the positives like the BFP and the blood results I hope both our girls can actually enjoy their pregnancies at some point I had absolutely no idea that after all the years trying and the grief after losing her baby that it would be so hard after the BFP love to you all x
Thank you I think of your daughter a lot because they will be due close together if all goes well x
12th Dec she is 7 weeks 4 days now 1st scan was good and due another in just over a week but worried sick as she is afraid to believe it will happen x
As hard as it she’s best to wait till her scan appointment at the hospital. I can 100% relate to how she’s feeling as I felt exactly the same it’s so hard but it’ll soon come round she just needs to relax as much as possible and try and keep herself busy and before she’ll know it Scan day will be here xxx sending lots of love x
I think around 6 weeks but you risk not seeing the heartbeat which can be even more worrying... that’s the reason they make you wait to 7 weeks. I found reassurance in digital clear blue tests which will tell you how many weeks pregnant you are, obviously it should change to 5 weeks+ eventually, seeing the weeks increasing correctly on the test sort of got me through until test day. By the time 5 weeks came I started feel rotten so I knew that was a good sign.
It’s a tough wait though, stressing is never good. Maybe plan a family day out or holiday to make the time pass quicker?
Hi. It’s a terrible wait. Really awful. As the others have said though, there’s no point having it earlier as they wouldn’t be able to tell anything x
Her best friend has bought her a baby present today to show her she is 100% sure the baby will be ok xx