So it’s still really bothering me. They found a 3cm ovarian cyst on my routine scan the other day. She said it could possibly disappear with my next period ( I haven’t had a period for 3 months ) due to Esmya. If not or it grows I may need blood work done, is this to rule out cancer? I’m really panicking now, I feel sick about it !
Ovarian cysts what do they mean. - Fertility Network UK
Ovarian cysts what do they mean.

Hi ICSIBaby86 , I'm not sure if this is similar to my experience at all but on down reg scan they found a cyst on my fallopian tube. The consultant said it was nothing to worry about at all and might not even show on my next scan. It sounds like cysts can come and go with no symptoms.
Hopefully all will be ok with you too and it's nothing to worry about. I know it's easy to say but try not to stress about it xx
Cycts do come and go all the time apparently but I had a 5cm one after OHSS which took a few months to go but it did go of its own accord eventually, just delayed things for a while. It’s good that they’re doing tests as it’ll rule out any potential complications but fingers crossed it’s all normal x
Thank you ladies, I’m hoping it’s there because I haven’t had a period for 3 months because I’ve been taking Esmya. Or I could quite possibly always have them and they come and go? But it was just coincidence I picked it up on this scan ... who knows hopefully it will just disappear xxx
There are different types of cysts and if they didn't give you information on this I'm not surprised you're worried now! You can get cysts on the follicle themselves, or outside of the ovary but covering it. I've had both. Cysts on the follicles are either PCOS if great in size and number, which is what you would have a blood test to determine, or are just a cyst (even at this size). Both come and go due to hormones, but obviously PCOS cysts are a bigger problem. A normal cyst can still pop out a perfectly good egg, from my understanding/experience. These can burst and can be painful, or they just disappear without you knowing. You can also get what are termed as chocolate cysts. In some ways these are more worrying than PCOS as they are an indication of endometriosis. But a blood test wouldn't diagnose that.
The types of cysts you get outside but surrounding the ovary I know less about, even though I've had one. Again, I was told these can come and go. A scan will show up whether there is anything to worry about. If it is benign and will come and go, it will be shaded one colour (white I think), if it is something to be concerned about it will be shaded another colour (like a shadow I believe, like most cancers).
During my treatment I had both cysts on my follicles and a cyst at least partially covering the ovary, both of which may still be there. I ovulated from that side and got pregnant. It caused a few more cramps in the early days due to the corpus luteum, but didn't interfere with anything.
I'm sure you have probably already had the blood test for PCOS. If you have a follow up with the consultant perhaps ask a few more questions. You may find your next period/ovulation is a little more painful than previously. Or, you will have had this before without knowing and wont notice it being any more painful! I hope that has eased your fears a little x
I have one the same size but it's due to the meds to stimulate the ovaries and I've been told it'll go away itself. I'm also at 13 weeks with twins and no one is concerned about it so hoping your cyst is the same situ! Xx