Hi everyone so I went for my baseline scan today.my period hadn't came so the lining of my womb was to thick.10mm and meant to be 3mm.i also have two cysts in my right ovary.waiting in the nurse phoning me back weither to continue on with the buserelin or to start all over again.has this happened to anyone else?xx
Lining to thick & cysts: Hi everyone so... - Fertility Network UK
Lining to thick & cysts

Hi Adele24. Oh this is so annoying for you, but is not uncommon. Some of us just need extra time to down regulate properly, so you may be advised to carry on with the Buserelin for another week. Regarding the cysts, they need to be kept an eye on if they are large, because they may need draining before carrying on. However, the continued use of the Buserelin could "calm them down" which would be great. I do hope you get good news today, and wish you well with it all. Diane
Thank you for your reply,they let me stay in the buserelin for another week so I'm hoping for a bleed and hoping the cysts go down.will know more when I go for a scan on Thursday x
Hi Adele24. Fingers crossed that the extra Buserelin does the trick, and good luck for Thursday's scan. Diane
Thanks Diane,back tomorrow but still no bleed all the pains are there but then they just disappear again.its never this late and so it's frustrating.x
Hi Adele24. Just hoping all went well with the scan yesterday. Diane
Hi Diane I have to continue on the buserelin until I hav a bleed.bled the day after so have appointment on Wednesday.hopefully linings thin enough and can start the menopur.thanks for asking xx
Hi Adele, I'm in a similar situation. I've been DR'ing since Feb 10. My womb lining and left ovary are both great but my right ovary still has fluid from when I last ovulated. I have to continue on the bureselin for another week and if the fluid hasn't gone by next Fri I have to have it drained. This puts us a week behind schedule and an extra week on the meds.
Hang on in there ☺️ X
Seems similar to me although an waitibg for call back . Had scan last wed lining to thick so went back today they say lining still too thick but I had to have urgent blood test as they saw something on scan . They showed me how to do inj and said they will call me in 2 hrs wether to start inj tonight ! But they said originally lining needs to be thin to start inj but it's thick so I can't see how or why nurse told me they o may be able to start inj today if lining too thick. We only get one go on nhs so I don't want them to mess be about . Am stressed to the max at the moment !