I woke up this morning feeling different, my boobs don’t feel sore and heavy and my tummy isn’t bloated anymore. I’m so worried that something has happened. We got BFP last weekend and have a scan on 30th April but I feel so different today that I’m terrified. I haven’t had any bleeding so maybe there’s still hope.
Feeling deflated: I woke up this... - Fertility Network UK
Feeling deflated

I’m sorry I can’t really advise on this but I hope it’s just one of those situations where symptoms come and go, that tomorrow they’ll be back with a vengeance. It’s great that there’s no bleeding xx
I’m feeling exactly the same! I’m about the same stage as you but my scan is on weds and i’m terrified. My only symptom has been sore boobs but off and on. The last few days they’ve hurt continuously but this morning nothing and it always worries me so much. This is my 7th pregnancy and no baby so far so i’m praying all is ok!!! My previous pregnancy got to 12 weeks and was the same, boobs off and on and nausea at around 6+ weeks. It’s v early and I know it’s probably ok but so so hard to relax. My first pregnancy I had crazy symptoms from one week post conception but that ended in an mmc at 8 weeks so I don’t have anything positive to compare it to. Praying we’re all ok 🙏🏼Xxx

I really hope so too. It’s such a long wait and so worrying. Every little twinge or pain I think could be something. All the best for Wednesday 😊 x
All fingers and toes crossed for us 🙏🏼😘xxx
Try not to fret too much I think the symptoms can vary a lot hope all is well maybe your scan could be brought forward to reassure you x
I think I've about a week ahead of you. In the first few weeks I was bloated and had quite painful cramps and sore boobs. All died down quite quickly and now I just get mild cramps occasionally, nothing else. So I retested and still have a strong line, so still hopeful. Have you done a retest? x
Yeah did another test this afternoon and got another positive 😅 I feel so much better now. My scan is in a week so not long to wait now. X