I was so excited to go for our first appointment at our private clinic today. When I went there they scanned me and said that my fibroid HAS to be removed before further treatment. 😢 all the money we have spent with the private gynae dr to shrink it using Esmya was pointless. Our gynae dr told us to leave it and not touch it. I’m so fed up of conflicting advice. To top it all off they found a cyst on my ovary ! I’ve never had a cyst before. I ended up coming out of the clinic having a panic attack that I’d developed ovarian cancer. Spent the rest of the day in bed in tears. Now we are pricing getting the fibroid removed privately which is approx £4000 that’s all of our IVF money gone.
Don’t know how much more I can take - Fertility Network UK
Don’t know how much more I can take

Oh my. How are you feeling now? Do you need to get it removed privately? I think every corner of IVF brings us new challenges. Is nothing simple?! I hope you’re going to be able to have a nice evening and try and try to see that while this is a set back... it could be the start of a great outcome. Big hugs xx
Ahhh bless you...such a stressful journey..... but it maybe a step closer to your bundle of joy if the fibroid can cause issues.... could you get it removed on the nhs perhaps?
We’ve just had so much conflicting advice we just think it’s best to have the fibroid removed by our fertility clinic as they know what needs to be done. I don’t think I could handle another 6 month waiting game, the cyst on my ovary has really worried me too. I’ve never had one before. She didn’t seem to concerned but things like that frighten me. I do suffer with terrible health anxiety. This process doesn’t help because my body is constantly under scrutiny. I’ve just had it today. I can’t stop crying, I need to pull myself together xx
Hey Hun,sorry to hear that. I went to a private fertility clinic too and they did all the scans and said I have cyst on my ovaries and also inside my uterus and it had to be removed. Had it removed in February and they want us to try naturally for 6 months then go back if we wanted IVF. I kno what u mean,waiting that long is so hard especially when everyone around u is getting pregnant. It will be ok. Take one step at a time. Pls let us kno how ur getting on. We are all here to support each other. It will be ok.
Thank you Alisha, strangely our fertility issues are down to my partner having CBAVD these are just extras that we’ve managed to find on the way ! After 3 failed IVF transfers I know the fibroid needs to go, i suffer terribly with anxiety especially “health anxiety” I have since I was an adolescent , so going through fertility treatment and finding cysts and lumps and scrutinising my body has been really difficult to manage with my anxiety as well. It just gets so overwhelming !! I hope you have your BFP soon and naturally 💕xxxxx
Aww, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Yes i agree that once our bodies are under scrutiny and they find something, it makes us panicky.
Please don't be scared about the cyst, the fact that you never had it does not mean it's cancer.
With regards to fibroid, I will suggest you get it removed, I noticed UK doctors aren't very much "at ease" with it, so they prefer to do away with it quickly. Africans, Asians and Americans are well vast in that area as it is a common disease and people carry pregnancies well with it. Though once someone has fertiity issues, any little thing is counted towards the cause.
As someone who's suffered from fibroids, cyst (chocolate cyst - endo cyst), I can imagine what you are going through but since the fibroids aren't many, I believe they will use the laparoscopic method and before you know it, you are ready for FET or a fresh transfer whatever the case is for you.
I had laparotomy, that's the Big incision and the vertical type, from belly button to pelvis area. Very major ops cos the fibroids were many and big. Long story short, I feel completely normal now, although it's over two years I had the surgery, but it was the best decision made. I have not achieved pregnancy yet but fibroid is out of the way.
After stimulation, they found some fibroids again which I think it's because of the hormones but now I'm raising my head up in faith in God about it. So it might reoccur after surgery but the possibility is very low if before ops, they weren't many.
Thank you so much for your reply kumkums. You’ve been through a lot by the sound of it to ! I think today I was just excited getting ahead of myself as usual. The last consultation I had privately with my gynae dr last week give me the go ahead with ivf ! After 3 months of hormones and thinking my fibroid had shrunk enough I thought it was good news. Today just was another shock for me, a doubly whammy with the cyst to. I asked her if she thought it was anything to worry about and she seems to think it’l disappear with my next period, I haven’t had a period for 3 months because of the Esmya. My head is all over the place. I had a breast scare before Christmas as fibroid grew inside my breast because of the ivf medication and I had to have a biopsy. Thank fully everything is fine ! It’s so much to take in without even the actual ivf coming into it! We’ve managed to get £4000 for or next round of treatment but we are considering now using this to get the fibroid issue removed privately. We’ve been ttc for 5 years and our patience is wearing thin now. I’m glad to hear you had a successful op first time round !! That gives me some hope xxxx thank you for your reply xxxxx
I can imagine how you are feeling. I wish you could get the op done on nhs so that you won't have to spend ivf money on operation. Does you or hubby have health insurance through company because that can also help, though not a common thin in the UK.
I can imagine you are running out of patience considering the time you have been ttc. But just a word of positivity, you will get your baby soon.
Thank you lovely, I don’t know what I’d do without the support Of all the brave ladies on the this community. We’ve been through some horrendous journeys. I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope you have your baby soon ! I’m hoping infertility will just be a distant memory for us soon xxx
I want to say I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this; delays are so frustrating and waits on the nhs are beyond stressful.
Although mine isn’t the same as you I have encountered many delays due to my endometriosis playing havoc( see my posts 🙄)it’s bad enough it took us nearly six years of ttc to find endometriosis . We’ve been ttc 6 years and 8 months and it’s so blinking stressful what my endometriosis is doing.i get it and if I could afford to have my third lap by this endometriosis specialist this time privately I would.
I do agree it’s a shame to use the ivf money; can they not put you on a cancellation list? I know it’s not always possible with work to be that flexible. xoxo

I know I’m just thinking bite the bullet and pay, get it done quickly. I would literally be happy to have it done at any time as work is not a problem for me they are very flexible and understand what I’m going through. I feel like as time is going on I’m getting more and more anxious because I’m having so much unnecessary poking and testing. I’ve just spent 3 months on Esmya to try and shrink my fibroid, I was told it had and now apparently it’s not really shrunk at all. On top of all that a liver function test because the medication has been recalled. Plus my periods were always 30 days like clock work and now all over the shop. It’s been a year next month since I’ve sought advice about my fibroid, I’ve paid hundreds to get the best medical advice I can. Now I’m still here 12 months later with a fibroid cancelling ivf again. I just feel sick today 😢
It’s great that work are supportive; that makes such a difference my business manager isn’t.
Incredibly frustrating when you feel like you’re going around in circles; I feel like that with my endometriosis. It’s making it so hard.
It’s such a difficult process; but it’s good in a way the fibroid has been found and if it gets removed it’ll give you a much better chance of having; I can’t imagine it helps implantation.
I get the worry and stress; I find this process incredibly difficult and it’s hard because I’m the one who has the fertility issue. Sometimes it feels like our bodies are working against us.
You must do whatever is right for you.
Today is a bad day; but tomorrow is a new day bad days don’t last forever.
You can do this xoxo
Hi ICSIBABY86 just to let you know. I only discovered I had fibroids at the beginning of this ivf journey. It's so draining so I know how you feel. I've had 2 ops to have them removed done by my private Dr on the NHS. It seems like I've been lucky enough to have that. Perhaps see if they can fit you in that way. All the best xx
Thank you Paris, I’m going to ring my consultant first thing tomorrow morning and see what my options are. I’m completely drained and so nervous about surgery 🤦🏽♀️
I’ve had 3 previous surgeries and I’ve been referred for another one ; surgery isn’t as scary as it sounds. xoxo

How long did you have to wait for surgery if you don’t mind me asking xx
Not at all.All my surgeries was 8 weeks wait I was very lucky all NHS too 😘 xoxo

Not bad at all! I’m already under the private consultant I’ve been seeing him for a year already so hoping he will put me on his nhs list xx
Please don’t worry about the cyst. I think they’re quite common. I had one on my very first scan which dispersed by itself xx
Hi. I'm so sorry you've faced yet another hurdle. It's so frustrating! I have no experience with fibroids but I was alarmed to learn I had 2 quite large cysts at my down regging scan which worried Me, however the nurse told me it was common and nothing to worry about. My cycle went ahead as normal and I had transfer on Monday. The cysts were never mentioned again. I do hope you can find another way to rid yourself of the fibroids without using your ivf cash but I can totally understand you wanting to get it sorted and not wanting to hang around. Wishing you lots of luck xx