Should I stop alcohol and coffee? - Fertility Network UK

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Should I stop alcohol and coffee?

10 Replies

Hello wonderful ladies,

Can I ask some advice, I have my egg donor booked in for treatment due to start next week I think, just need confirmation of appointment. Do you think I should stop all Caffeine and wine? And should I be eating certain things? I want to give my body the best chance !

Thanks xxx

10 Replies
Orla9298 profile image

I think it’s actually less important for you to cut them out if it’s donor eggs, if it were me I’d probably enjoy myself then kick them both a few days before transfer? But that’s just me!xx

beauty1984 profile image

Yeah I’d cut out caffeine and alcohol and stick to an all round healthy diet. I have tried pomegranate juice 🤔 as I heard it can help but no evidence really just trying what I can. I’ve heard pineapple is good too. Good luck xx

emu2016 profile image

My clinic advises no alcohol as soon as my treatment begins in prepping my body for transfer using donor egg...

I think the only thing with alcohol & caffeine before transfer is that it could affect your lining. If you are dehydrated & the blood flow to the uterus is restricted then your lining might not thicken up very well. I think the odd small glass of wine can’t hurt though?! Xxx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

I didn’t know that!x

Ok thanks I wasnt sure why but the dehydrated thing makes sense xxx

Smang profile image

Hi Myhope, I used donor eggs and was advised to cut out alcohol completely and limit my caffeine, so I switched to decaf x

H thanks, how did it go for you? X

Smang profile image
Smang in reply to

It finally worked! I got my bfp this morning xx

in reply to Smang

Oh wow!!!! I'm so happy for you congratulations

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