So I've just had egg collection which to be honest was not as bad as I thought it would be. They were hoping for 9 eggs but only got 4. I feel so deflated . Just keep thinking 4 .... there's no way they are making it. How can I stop myself from being so negative. my hubbys sperm is not the best too so I suppose I just feel like bleh it's not gonna work xxx
Only 4 eggs :(: So I've just had egg... - Fertility Network UK
Only 4 eggs :(

Hi Clairet1987. I would imaging if DH's sperm is not up to par, they will do ICSI to give your eggs their best chance of fertilising?? Have a good rest and drink plenty of water, while your eggs are fertilising. Anxious times, I'm sure, but just think you will be having embryo transfer very soon. Thinking of you. Diane
Hi Hidden dont fret! My first icsi we got 9 eggs, and only one made it to blastocyst stage at an OK grade. 2nd icsi only got 4 eggs, I was sooo disappointed as consultant put me on higher dose of menopur to get more. I was crying after EC, and was actually googling adoption cos I was convinced it wasn't going to work. All 4 eggs fertilised, 2 made it to blastocyst and were top grade when transferred. Currently 9 weeks pg 😊 It's definitely all about quality. Keep your spirits up, you never know what will happen xx
I know you feel deflated Claire but four eggs is something positive to work with. I’m sure you’re having ICSI which will help with fertilisation. Try to rest as best you can this evening and very best of luck for your phone call from the clinic tomorrow. I’m thinking of you xx
Sorry your feeling so deflated but don’t give up hope - I only got 5 last cycle and 4 made it to blastocyst. Lots of luck for tomorrow xx
Hi, I only had 3 eggs, two fertilised and had both put back on day 3. As they say, it’s quality and not quantity. Stay positive x
Thanks everyone this forum really does help . I was just so down after egg collection but your right I have to keep positive xxx good luck everyone we can do this xxx
Please try not to get too despondent although I completely understand how it feels when you look around at clinics boasting "average" number of eggs per IVF cycle. The fact of the matter is that it really is quality over quantity (I used to get really frustrated when people told me that and honestly never used to believe it but it really is true...) My first round of IVF/ICSI ended up with 4 eggs. Only 2 fertilised, and I got pregnant on a 3-day transfer with identical twins (sadly it ended up in a late miscarriage but completely unrelated to the fact that it was low eggs - it was a case of very bad luck with an identical twin pregnancy complication). My second round of ICSI resulted in 5 eggs. Again only 2 fertilised so it was a 2-day transfer (again I was gutted at the thought I'd not get the opportunity to go to blastocyst stage. I'm currently 16 weeks with a singleton. Try not to get so hung up with all the numbers (though it's nearly impossible to do I know) and just try and take it one step at a time and stay positive. x
Its so hard to be positive but just think it only takes 1 egg. There are lots of success stories out there. Everything crossed for you xx
Hi Claire please don't worry. It only takes 1 egg to make it. I know your feeling of disappointment and the odds seeming low. We only got 3 eggs and all 3 fertilised using ICSI. When it came to transfer day at day 5, we only had one strong embryo to put back which was 4AB grade. We tried to stay hopeful and luckily it stuck. I am currently 12 weeks pregnant so it can work. Good luck for your next few weeks. Xx
Hi clairet1987,,,do they EC under general anaesthetic ?
Hiya..... I only had 4 collected and 3 fertilised! But it’s quality over quantity..... you only need one. Good luck!!!! Xxxxxxxxx
please try not to think too much shout quantity ...hard I know. it really is all about quality and remember each month normally you would only have 1 egg.try to stay positive and you only need one good one xxx
Hi Clairet
I can totally relate. I am having egg collection on Friday but I don't have many follicles growing and they are all different size, so we will be lucky if we get 4-5 eggs 😔
Until last week I was trying to think "ok, it's unlikely It will work first time, but I hope at least I get some frozen embryos and I can have a Frozen cycle then". And look at It now! It is true you never know what will happen so it's better not to think too much about It. The worst of all this infertility path is not the pain or the physical part, is building up hope and loosing It constantly. You are not alone on this!
I just keep my FC for you and send you lots of love xxxx
Good luck. Fingers crossed for a good outcome x