so we got our first ever bfp this week after our 5th cycle 😁😁we are both exhausted as this has been such a long torturous journey. I now feel like this week has been so long since we got our bfp I worry how I will ever get through the weeks till a scan. how do people cope?I am anxious as I know all too well sadly from here that joy can turn to sadness. I am trying to figure out when 12 weeks would be it from your last period?we go for a scan in 2.5 weeks and counting then the clinic said it's over to the NHS then for 12 week scan. do you always get a scan at 12 weeks or do you have to wait longer? I am not a very patient person anyway and ivf has tested that and continues to do so it seems😯thanks to you all for your support and congrats earlier this meant so much 💜💜💜💜xxxx
how to survive till 12 week scan - Fertility Network UK
how to survive till 12 week scan

Hi Vic, you would have been 4 weeks at your BFP. So your scan in 2.5 weeks is probably 7 weeks? For the 12 week it usually falls between 11.5 to 13 weeks I believe, just depends on the appointment availability. Break it down into mini-milestones... focus on 6 weeks then your 7 week scan, then 9 weeks etc. You could always get a private scan at 9/10 weeks if the 12 proved just too long. So exciting 😃 xx
I booked a private scan for Just over 10 weeks as the wait was too long and I was very anxious.
With my 12 weeks scan I was actually 12 weeks 5 days so I think it just depends how busy the hospitals you go to is?
Your due date will be calculated from transfer date I think (mines was) I was given this at my first scan which was at just over 7 weeks, it was confirmed at the 12 week scan also.
No advice really on how to get through the days until then because it is hard but just take each day as it comes really 😘 xxx
In there with u in terms of only 4weeks and a bit of a wait til my 7week scan. We can do it a. I’m still analysing everything How u feeling? I’m not getting a lot of symptoms apart from the odd pains here and there and evening tiredness esp. ☺️ oooh exciting times a😊
yay huge congrats..that's amazing we are bfp twins 😀we had transfer on the 9th and also a natural fet except I am taking meds now...I had no symptoms and have none except the odd pain too and lots of gas 😂we go for our scan on 14th March. .can't come quick enough😁please keep in touch as I've never been pregnant before and be nice to have a buddy😀xx
Me too! I’m going out of my mind! I’ve had 2 HCG tests and my numbers have gone from 1544 to 8934! So pleased with that but can’t help freaking out that it’s not going to work! 😥
Try this calculator which tells you your dates if you’ve had ivf - very helpful
Sorry pressed send to soon!
I’m booked in for a private scan 7 weeks and going to have a Panarama Test at week 9 , then will have our NHS Scan at 12 weeks
Are you in London? My private clinic on Harley street are amazing and would defo recommend them
Hang on in there hun, we are days apart so I look forward to our journey together xx
Take it day by day lovely. The 12 week scan will be between 11 and 13 weeks I believe. If you need to book a private scan in between to keep you going and just don't over analyze everything and enjoy every bit. Glad you have a pregnant buddy too (dreamingofbaby) that's great for you both to go through the journey together. Congratulations to you both 💗💗🤗😘😘
woo hoo we three are in sync..I am in Scotland so bit far😂I don't get any hcg numbers just got my meds to keep taking then scan in 2.5 weeks 😀xxx
Yes a little far! I’m not very good at waiting ! Keep over analysing everything! I have a private viability scan next week at 7 weeks and 1 day. Anxious!! I will keep you posted xx
It’s 12-14 weeks Vic (that’s what my midwife had said) but even if its closer to 14 that will still be your “12” week scan. My advice is don’t wait. If you want reassurance there’s absolutely nothing wrong with booking one yourself xx
Wanted to wish you congratulations on your bfp
Your be 7 weeks when you go to your clinic and they sign you off for you to register at midwife, then out receive 12 week scan through, and then another at 20 weeks,
I’ve been lucky and had extras as I’ve got fibroids and the 20 week one he was naughty and the couldn’t get what they wanted to,
I’ve worried and still do through out my pregnancy constantly check the tissue when wiping from the loo (sorry if too much info)
All I can say is have faith in what will be and try you hardest to enjoy as it goes so quick, Wish you all the best good luck with your scan and congratulations again xxx
thanks hun...I had hoped knicker watch might stop .lol😂glad you doing ok xxx
It may do for you but I’ve checked religiously since day of embryo transfer lol.
I’ve got 8 weeks to go, xx
I’d assume your scan is about 7.5 weeks and add the difference to twelve weeks on from there.
Just take one day at a time. Sounds like you’re aware of all the possibilities and that’s a strong mind. But try and enjoy and relax xx
I would let your GP know that you've had a positive pregnancy test already to refer you to your local EPU. If nothing else then you should get an appointment on time at the 12 week mark after your 7ish week one!!xx
Good idea mrs will do xx
If I wasn’t having scans every week because of bleeding I definitely would of booked a private one. It does seem to take a long time to wait in between. You should also see your midwife by 10 weeks xx

thanks so much..think I will let gp know next week xx
We booked a scan at 10 weeks as I was so anxious and couldn’t wait until 12 weeks!
The clinic where we had our ivf told us how many weeks we were but my midwife went off the date of my last period which put us a week ahead but she said we’d get the scan quicker this way when we went for the scan I was about 12.5 weeks!
Just try and stay positive and relaxed and trust your body is doing what it should be xxx
My “12 week” dating scan wasn’t until 13+3 (it can be between 11 & 14) so I had a private scan at 10+5. I wasn’t sure whether to go for that or not but am glad I did in the end as was so anxious waiting. Really glad to hear your news and hope everything continues to go well for you xx
thanks hun..think we still in shock.we got a 7 week scan at our clinic in 2 weeks but I think given what folk said we will just pay for scan at 10 weeks if we get that far too how far are you now?xx
Yeah see how you feel after the 7 weeks scan. It did feel like a long time to wait at that point but it does get a bit easier. I’m 28+4 now so a couple of weeks til I get my 30 week scan 😊 xx
Massive congrats on your bfp!! 😊
I can totally relate - we got a bfp (can’t believe I’m actually writing that) a week ago y’day and have our scan a week on Mon (should be 7+2 by then).
My anxiety is through the roof with worry though - I’ve no real symptoms now and that’s making me stress!! 😕 fingers crossed for us all on this longest wait ever!! 🙏🤞🏻xxx
wow huge congrats. .yeah I still can't believe it either. .how many cycles did you have? I am not far behind you at all xxx
This was my second - first frozen though!! I had my 40th birthday in the 2ww so it was the best present ever seeing the two lines!! 😊 how have you been feeling?! xxx
awwww that's amazing. .I had my 40th in December and I was so was our 5th go but also a frozen 😀go frosties..keep in touch as would live to hear how you get on. I feel ok I tired but what a week..I have sore head today so using that as excuse to let my fab hubby look after you feeling?xx
40th birthdays just add to the emotion of it all don’t they!! How are you feeling today?! I have major anxiety - the only real symptom I had (heavy sensitive breasts) have reduced massively so it just makes me panic - I feel normal!! A week Mon can’t come round quick enough!! 🙏🤞🏻xx
I feel tired but feel like I been tired for years with this. .sore books yesterday and twinges in tummy but that desire for cake too but that fairly normal 😉we decided if all goes well at 7 week scan we going to pay for 10 week one xx
Yeah I’ve been tired as well - night times especially, but think some of that could be emotional exhaustion!! 🙈 yeah I think we would do the same - I’m so terrified to think past trying to get to 7wk one though!! I’ve never had a positive test before so no ideas what is normal/not normal!! 🤔xxx
Huge congrats on your BFP! I'm in the same boat, so can relate. Got our BFP on my 40th birthday (!) and my 7 week scan is next Wednesday. It's been a hugely emotional time, and my arse is getting kicked with many pregnancy symptoms - sickness, dreadful headaches, feeling like I've been hit by a bus in the evenings, to name but a few. How have you been feeling? xx
huge congrats to you too..what a birthday many rounds did you have? I had a really sore head this morning but apart from that nada yet .good luck for wed. .our scan 2 weeks after yours xx
i felt just the same Hun, my anxiety was really bad I kept testing and also booked a private scan at 10 weeks to get me through it x do whatever makes u feel a tiny bit better! Keep busy too! Xx
thanks hun..great far you now?xx
My little rainbow girl is 10 months!!
there is no reason anything should go wrong Hun, everyone is different and everyone has different symptoms. Go with whatever makes u feel a tiny bit better to get you through it! X
Wow..that's just fab 🌈🌈🌈🌈I am terrified it will go wrong as so many sad stories on here and this first time we have ever been pregnant so everything is so new..just want to get to 9 months already..I am not a patient person anyway 😜😜xxx
Do remember miscarriages are only happen in 1 in 4 pregnancies meaning most pregnancies are ok. Take it a day at a time that’s all you can do on the early weeks. Good luck xoxo

thanks so much..that helps. I just know of so many sad stories on here😯xxx