Hey - embrogist just called. Of the 6 eggs they fertilised only 3 survived into embryos. Too soon to say quality/if they are any good so she will call me tomorrow - to allow the little embryos to develop a little more... I feel a little deflated. What do you think are the chances of these 3 making it to blastocyst stage? On another note. My tummy is huge and I can barely move after the collection yesterday- does that sound right? Thanks. I am glad I have you girls to do this with xx
3 embryos: Hey - embrogist just called... - Fertility Network UK
3 embryos

Hi Leo. I had only 2 eggs and 1 made it to a nice blastocyst. Your 3 could well be supereggs x x
When do you do your transfer? I am doing a frozen cycle.. so hopefully little embryos make it to the that stage...
It was put back on Saturday so I'm just anxiously waiting now! Good luck with your FET x
Oh my. Are you off work? Are you resting and doing things you like?
I had egg collection yesterday . 8 fertilised . She’s hoping others will fertilise as well. Saturday could be transfer or Monday will be called
I only had two eggs and only one fertilised. I had that transferred on day 3 and my beautiful baby boy was born last August. It only takes one! Good luck x
I am so nervous - they are going to call me today to let me know if my 3 survived so stressful
I had 6 fertilise and only 3 made it to blast and I had a succssful first round so don't be too deflated, those numbers are fine xxx good luck!
Thank you! Just heard from the embryologist- 2 are looking good and the other isn’t. No development:(. The desicion now is whether to freeze today or let them go on to blastocyst. The danger is if we let go to day 5 - they might not make it and we have nothing to freeze....
Progesterone too high. Uterus lining way to advanced for implantation so have to wait until next month to get it nsync congrats on your little darling