As expected 3rd round has resulted in... - Fertility Network UK

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As expected 3rd round has resulted in a bfn now to say bye to this forum

โ€ข27 Replies

I had known since Monday that our third fresh cycle had failed and we would be faced with our third bfn. Today was test day and there it is in front of us like another smack in the face.

Starting to feel like this will never happen for us and where do we go next.

With a heavy heart I'm going to say goodbye to this forum for at least 6 months. I just want to be me/us. We have decided once we have our follow up appointment we are not going to discuss or think about it for at least 3 months. I am so happy for everyone who gets their bfp but a tiny piece of me breaks each time as I feel no closer to mine.

I want to thank you all for your support and kind words. It's not goodbye forever wishing you all lots of luck in journeys ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ™ xxx

27 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

So sorry for your bfn. Be kind to yourselves. See you back here when you are strong enough xx

Iโ€™m so sorry my love. Take this time and we will be here when / if you need us.

I hope you have lots of support around you. Be kind to yourself and remember you are doing all you can. Wishing you love and power xxx

Wishfully profile image

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear this ๐Ÿ™ IVF consumes so much of our lives & it can make us so miserable... Maybe a nice long break may be good for you to find your happiness again & to reset. There will be options for you, Iโ€™m sure, but the main thing is that you take some time to be sad, recover and get your lives back. Sending you hugs xx

You're absolutely doing the right thing. Take the time you need to take stock and see what life offers next. I hope it brings you lots of good things. Take care of yourself xxx

Iโ€™m so sorry. Failed treatment is difficult and painful- I had 4 rounds of clomid which didnโ€™t work I can imagine IVF must be a million times worse.

I think you are wise to have a break- it does get too much. Stress isnโ€™t good when you want to conceive- tho itโ€™s impossible to avoid.

I removed myself from this group for 6 months after I suffered a miscarriage. I took it badly. I found scan pictures too hard to look at- whilst I was genuinely pleased for others not bitter or resentful of others , I know what they have gone through to get there, I was completely heartbroken my scan ended with such devastating news. It reminded me everything I had lost ๐Ÿ’” for mental state i left.

But I am better now for having the break- I am happy and content to be on my own journey- itโ€™s such an individual one . I can now enjoy reading stories of success without feeling hurt by my loss, we all deserve our happy endings. And I really hope we all get them ๐Ÿ˜Š

Having had a break from trying it has done us both the world of good- (my trying has gone on hold till I have my surgery next month.) Go and enjoy yourselves! Do things for you and enjoy spending time together ๐Ÿ’—

We will be here for you when you feel ready to come back ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’— xoxo

Sorry to hear about your BFN. I hope the break does you good- this can become all-consuming. Itโ€™s good to find yourself again xx sending you lots of hugs and happiness

Cinderella5 profile image

Wishing you all the best Katrina, I think having a break to clear your head and enjoy each other is important for all of us! Hope to see you back, if and when you feel ready! Sending hugs.xx

Littleflower82 profile image

So sorry ๐Ÿ˜“ look after yourself x

7AVA profile image

So sorry to hear this Katrina - I feel similar after our third bfn. Wishing you happiness with your husband and good luck for the future with whatever path you decide to take xxx

-noodles- profile image

so sorry for you loss. itโ€™s the worst feeling in the world, take your time to grieve.

having a break sounds good - enjoy time together, go to the seaside, get drunk, hold each other tight.

sending love & light ๐Ÿ’•โœจ๐Ÿ’•

Ash2016 profile image

So sorry to read this Katrina. It is the worst feeling in the world to get a bfn. Take time out to try and have fun together before deciding what is the right path for you guys to follow. Hugs xxx

Iโ€™m sorry.

I think taking a break is s good idea and I wish you a peaceful six months x

Emily7 profile image

So sorry Katrina. Itโ€™s sometimes so unfair and is so down to luck sometimes. It worked the third time for us. But could easily have been the fourth time. I donโ€™t know why it didnโ€™t work the first two times but having an embryo scratch and doing it from a frozen embryo may have helped. All the best with whatever you decide to do next.xx

Awww I'm so sorry, this brought tears to my eyes. I hope you can enjoy couple time for a while. Take care of yourselves xx

Scarlett13 profile image

Understand your need for time away from all ivf related stuff - hope you come back fighting later this year xxx so sorry for your latest BFN. Much love x

_MrsC profile image

So sorry. Take time for yourself. It really does help. Weโ€™re 8 months past our last cycle and beginning to see the wood for the trees. It has been good to forget about trying. I have become more myself. While the pain hasnโ€™t really gone, itโ€™s not as consuming as it was. Itโ€™s still a long road ahead but I feel stronger about venturing it with just hubby and me. Iโ€™m even at the point where I no longer track my cycles. This has helped me to let go so when youโ€™re ready, maybe give it a go. Take each day as it comes and remember that you deal with your grief in your own way. Youโ€™re not answerable to anyone. xxx

Dreamingofbaby profile image

Sorry to hear take good care. Look after u โ˜บ๏ธ

Poppy16 profile image

Really sorry to read your disappointing news. Heartbreaking for you and your hubby. We are all here for you when you return back to this forum. Perhaps a wee holiday away somewhere nice might help you. Treat yourself. You deserve it. Maybe a few massages will help de-stress a bit too. Enjoy some quality time with your hubby as a couple. Thinking about you. Big hugs.xo

Dunla profile image

Iโ€™m so sorry Katrina, take good care of yourselves. I completely relate to you needing some time away from IVF. Very best wishes xx

Amanda86 profile image

So sorry to hear this ๐Ÿ™ take care ๐Ÿ˜˜ xxx

emu2016 profile image

Enjoy your six months. We did that; it was just what we needed xx

vic77 profile image

I am so sorry for your bfn...our 3rd fresh bfn was devastating. take all the time you need..we will be right here when you need us..much love xxx

Oakey80 profile image

So sorry to hear this but totally understand why you need a break. It'll be good for you to live, laugh,love without the ivf cloud hanging over you! Rest up & make the most of it xxx

So sorry, sending you massive hugs xx

Rainbowhope profile image

This is so heartbreaking to read. Wishing you strength to get through this

I'm so sorry Katrina.please take care of yourself and believe in fourth time lucky. Don't give up hope. xx

Snowy76 profile image

I'm so so sorry for your result and am sending a massive virtual hug. x

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