This app is a game changer, I have been using throughout my whole journey but honestly it's making me feel so much more relaxed and I have just listend again for my 2ww and I felt myself smile whilst listening which has never happened. Totally worth a download 💕
Want to feel more relaxed then get th... - Fertility Network UK
Want to feel more relaxed then get the Mindful IVF app 💕

I also got this app at the start of our cycle, it’s amazing isn’t it! Me and my husband listened to it before we went to sleep! After the 2ww my husband actually said he missed our little Irish friend lol!! I loved it and would recommend it to anyone going through this difficult and emotional journey! I also downloaded the extra pregnancy journey once we got our BFP!! X x
Thanks! Downloaded. I'm game for anything that helps!!xx
I’ve got it after hearing good things in here and started listening to it a couple of days ago xx
Oooooh I have recently downloaded this app but have not listened to it yet. xx

Have a listen!! Its good xx
Silly question but when do you start it? I'm going for my consultation today so haven't started treatment yet. Do I start on cycle day 1 of my treatment? Xx

There is a 'prep 10' section, start listening to that and see how you go then when you start treatment move to the 'IVF Start.' My one bit of advice would be don't make it a chore, listen to it because you want to and it helps, if you force yourself to listen then you wont fully relax (I have a couple of time and it was just a waste of 10 minutes). Also don't worry if you miss one Good luck for your journey xx
Thank you xx
I’ve just downloaded it. How does it work? Do you just listen every night before bed? Do you know what the difference between the programmes and my conceive tab is? (Sorry for all the questions!)
You can listen to it whenever, I choose before bed because it also helps me sleep. The different programmes are at the each stage of an IVF / ICSI cycleMy conceive is just a range of different programmes you can listen to. Give it a listen, some you have to pay for but I recommend them so mich xx
Is this worth downloading if you’re struggling to conceive but can’t have IVF or is it more for IVF? X
Give it a download, the prep 10 is free and this is just to help you relax before you start and makes you see your body as fertile. There may be other meditation apps that could help xx
Thanks for th3 recommendation, I tried it earlier in our cycle but didn't really get into it, since then I started acupuncture and on their reccomendation downloaded the zita west for ivf, I really like the post transfer one but not so much the 2ww one.
Just used this one as I try and do it morning and night to help me relax and liked this one, I'll add this to my morning routine.
I also find meditation before bed helps me sleep, although I was wide awake at 4am this morning.
This 2ww is a killer and I'm not quite half way yet.
Good luck to you in your wait xxx