I dont know how anybody else has managed but I'm struggling during the 3ww for my first scan. I got my BFP 28th Jan and my scan isn't until 21st Feb. At first I had slight cramps which I saw as a good thing, as I had these before taking the test and that worked out. Now I've not really felt anything for at least a week. I think I'll be 7 weeks on Wed and have no sickness, no sore sore boobs, nowt. Am a lucky not to have symptoms or is something wrong? Should I feel pregnant?? My husband thinks Id know if something was wrong, Id maybe be in pain or bleed. I was thinking of calling my clinic to ask for an earlier scan? Am a overthinking things? It's so hard trying to keep it all together while you haven't got a clue if your little one is doing ok xx
Waiting for scan is harder than the 2ww! - Fertility Network UK
Waiting for scan is harder than the 2ww!

Try not to worry I never had any sickness or sore boobs. I only had the urge to pee a lot, a bit of tiredness (but not as much as my first BFP) and constant hunger starting from 8 weeks ish. I agree though waiting for the scan is sooo hard xx
Try not to over analyse things (easier said than done, I know!) Some ladies don't have alot of symptoms during pregnancy. On the other hand,you could just start to develop more symptoms very soon! It is so tough waiting for scan. You are almost there-just over a week now. Keep your mind busy if you can. Take one day at a time. Rest plenty. For peace of mind you could request earlier scan from your clinic. It is an anxious time. I've been there too and can fully appreciate what you're saying. Try to relax about it all and think positive thoughts. Big congrats on your bfp! You are doing really well!xo
I found the wait for the scan so much harder than the tww as well. I must say it was amazing when we finally got there. Seeing the little heartbeat was worth every minute. You could ask for earlier but quite often the heartbeat can’t be seen till after 6 weeks so you could end up worrying for nothing. I am now on the wait for a 12 week scan. 1 week and a day to go lol. Starts 2 weeks then 3 weeks for 7 week scan then 5 weeks to the 12 week scan then another 8 weeks lol. All waiting. Good luck xx
Bless you. There is absolutely no doubt that the tww is hard but the worry doesn’t stop at the bfp. If anything it gets much much worse! My bff has had no symptoms at all on two pregnancies! Everyone is different xx
It was much harder for me too, I was a neurotic mess! I paid for extra hcg blood tests and still convinced myself that it had all stopped and it would all be over at the 7 week scan. I was so nervous and stressed and when the sonographer said there’s the heartbeat I cried. I couldn’t believe it. I am still worrying now and I’m 23 weeks today. From about 10 weeks I got a Doppler and it helped ease my anxiety but these are controversial. I’m not using it now I can feel baby moving. Waiting to feel baby was another worry as they say between 16-19 weeks but I didn’t really feel anything until 21 weeks. I’d like to say try and relax and take it one day at a time but I know how hard it it is. You’re not alone. All the best xx
Also I had hardly any symptoms at first. Maybe a little more thirsty than usual and then slowly started to feel a bit sick but if I ate I felt better. I had sore boobs since transfer so didn’t see that as a symptom as I usually get that before period. I think us ivf successes find it much harder to believe we are actually pregnant and feel it will be snatched away at any moment. Which sadly it is for some. Message me any time xx
Hello, I didn't have any symptoms at all during most of my pregnancy so don't worry, I would say though if you're worried and its causing you stress just to book an early scan, for peace of mind and for keeping your stress levels low I'd say its worth it. Xx
Hey, I'm feeling exactly the same. Test day was 26th and I've got my scan tomorrow so I know it's earlier than yours but still racked with worry. I think I'm 7 weeks today and so nervous about tomorrow, I can't concentrate. I would say my symptoms have lessen if anything, I've lost weight, feel sick if I'm hungry but that goes when I eat, up until last few days I was starving all the time but now that's eased, boobs were only sore while on progesterone but that's also eased, still up in the night for loo breaks but honestly feel like any symptoms I had were progesterone gel related. I'm finding it hard not too panic.
Sorry not much help but just wanted to say I understand what you are going through xx
I 100% get how you feel - I'm 5 weeks and 1 day, and finding the wait for the 7 week scan so much tougher than the 2ww. That said, every stage of IVF comes with it's own set of challenges and fears - every hurdle you overcome is a victory/celebration, then you're straight into being scared about the next one. We are certainly a brave bunch, that's for sure.
From what I gather, some ladies get 0 symptoms, others get loads. It's so hard not to over-analyse. I had several sobbing meltdowns yesterday due to some strange pain I was feeling - despite my clinic saying it was normal. The hormones also make everything feel way worse. Best of luck with your scan, I hope the time goes fast, and that your scan helps you relax xxx
Hey try not to worry about symptoms too much.
Tbh i was like you looking for symptoms and worring everymoment as i didnot had any symptoms at all. But when i had my 7 weeks scan, Everything was fine and now i am 24 weeks pregnant .
It will be the same case with you too .. so enjoy ur pregnancy love, dont stress too much
I can’t offer you any advice as I’ve never been pregnant but I do want to wish you so much luck for your scan. I can only imagine the anxiety you experience beyond the good news of a BFP xx
The wait is hard. My symptoms didn’t really kick in until after the first scan and they hit almost full force lol xxx
The wait for the scan is so hard. I have a few weeks left too and am really struggling. Every pregnancy is different and just because you don’t have many symptoms and someone else does means nothing. It’s easier said than done (I know!!!) but try to stay calm and distract yourself. Ring your clinic and see what they say. I’m sure everything is ok and praying that this is so. Sending lots of love xxx
I did end up calling the clinic to see if I could have the scan any sooner. They said they only do this particular scan once a week and I wouldn't be ready for it today so next Wednesday it is! Good luck to everybody else and thanks for the advise xx