I am 7 weeks 5 days pregnant today, or at least I hope I still am. Our first scan was exactly two weeks ago, at 5w5d, but there wasn't too much to see or hear at that point. There was a gestational sac and a yolk sac, and the doctor recorded a faint heartbeat of 67 bpm, but also said that it wasn't impossible he was picking up my own heartbeat.
I'm really nervous for today. I've felt a bit like I have been waiting for a firing squad. I know so many of you on here have gotten BFPs only to have something go wrong in the following few months. So, it has been hard to focus on work, as I've just been concerned. It takes a psychological toll, even though I've been doing my best to take it easy, take care of myself, etc. It just takes up a lot of bandwidth if you know what I mean.
It's hard because I don't know if this is just another morning, and the morning that I hear my child's heartbeat properly for the first time—or if it's going to be the last decent moments I have for a while if something has gone poorly.