No symptoms after 3 days post embryo transfer .. Is this normal not to feel anything? I had a lot of bloating first 2 days but that’s all real calmed down now and I feel as though I’m back to normal. I’ve read so many mixed stories and would just love to hear from you ladies to put my mind at ease that everything is OK? Xx
No symptoms after 3 days post embryo ... - Fertility Network UK
No symptoms after 3 days post embryo transfer

Personally after 6 transfers, 3 being bfps, I never experienced any kind of “symptoms” until around days 5,6 or 7. It’s too early. Don’t fret yet xx
Same here dear
Today is my second day post embryo transfer but no symptoms...
I don't know why...
Should I do pregnancy urine test now or wait till next week??
it's too early i think.. please don't do symptom spotting bcoz it might make u feel worse in ur 2ww.. i did that with my 1st FET n i felt terrible. it just makes my 2ww felt longer.
I had my transfer of 3 x embryos on Monday 21/10/2019. I've had no symptoms either but not concerned...I have so many responsibilities, work, mother's illness and looking after two homes that I don't have time to fret over what is different. I don't have the option but to get on with week may be more telling one way or another but what will happen, will happen or not...hang in there and good luck to you.
I had no symptoms until 6 weeks x
Thanks lovelies xx
What is this about ???
Some spiritual stuff?
Or about positive thinking ?
Or surrender to universe stuff?
Affirmation stuff?
No need. I have a baby.
I'm 29 weeks pregnant and had no symptons
I didnt get any symptoms of pregnancy until I was 8 weeks and even then was only a bit of bloating. My advice would be, however hard it is not to, dont read into anything, some people have loads of symptoms and its just the medication and bfn some people have no symptoms and its bfp! Please just relax and wait them dreaded 2 weeks! Xx
Thanks so much my lovely xxx
You're welcome. I've had 3 rounds of ivf, 1st mc at 6weeks 2nd ohss then didnt work, 3rd I now have my gorgeous 9 month old little boy. I've pretty much been there done that and got the t shirt on most things to do with pregnancy and ivf so if you ever need advice please contact me... all my friends do when its pregnancy related Haha x
Best advice- ignore all symptom spotting, video watching, website reading. Spend time in natural surroundings and take things easy. Keep the mind relaxed. Doing anything else will drive you crazy and give you sleepless nights, stress and worry!
Hi, it’s way to early right now. Xx good luck on sticky beans x
I had no symptoms through the whole two week wait and ended with a BFP. I had to go into the clinic one day to pick up some paperwork and mentioned to one of the fertility nurses that I felt completely normal and she said that was to be expected. She said hormones are not high enough to give any symptoms until around 6 weeks which made me feel lots better.
Try not to stress about it. (Easier said than done I know!) but I was convinced it hadn’t worked!
Good luck!