Hi there, currently waiting for my op to drain/remove cysts again (caused by endo) before starting our ivf journey on the 22nd feb. Feeling very nervous, anxious and apprehensive about everything. Are there any success stories out there where people have conceived through ivf with grade 4 endo? One fallopian tube is blocked and other is partially blocked. Looking for some hope xx
Grade 4 endometriosis and ivf - Fertility Network UK
Grade 4 endometriosis and ivf

Hi. I have stage 4 endo, adenomyosis, and only have one tube as the other was removed during a lap done last year. Also I had a polyp removed after our 1st round failed. Now I’m almost 10 weeks pregnant through ICSI. We still have a way to go but there is always hope. Keeping everything crossed for you x
I had to have an ovary removed due to endo. Think that makes it severe. Still have it up around my ureter. Started ivf in feb last year at 38.
Currently sat with our 6 week daughter on my lap from that first round. So two fingers up to endo.
Stage 3/4 endo. Had lap before first ivf. Produced very few follicles each cycle but got lucky third time. Baby due in 3 weeks I'm now 38. Good luck and keep positive. Best part is I've had no endo symptoms whilst pregnant
Hi hun I also have stage 4 n the specialist said mine was one of the worse he’s seen n I’m pregnant now with our 2 cycle so there is hope good luck
Sorry no experience of this but wanted to wish you luck for your surgery and upcoming cycle x