Hi how would I know if iam fertile or not? I had a miscarriage this time last year with my ex , I’ve struggled to get pregnant since , iam always late on I’ve only just come on since 2 months ago , what should I do? I don’t know if iam fertile
Hi : Hi how would I know if iam fertile... - Fertility Network UK

Hi Amelia,
I am so sorry for your loss.
Periods can take time to regulate after a miscarriage...
It seems from your post that your periods have only started regulating in the last couple of months....
It does seem you starting to be back on track and might need a bit more time if it has only been two months.
I would also suggest using ovulation kits to ensure you are definitely maximising the most fertile times of the month and also to help check that you are ovulating regularly. Clearblue do great ones that identify up to four fertile days.
If you’ve done this for a few months then if you still feel there is something wrong and nothing is happening, you will have to speak to your doctor to see if they can check your fertility and maybe examine your uterus to ensure there were no complications after the miscarriage etc.
I am not sure things would have changed in a year after the miscarriage that would affect your fertility and it does just seem from what you mention that your body has only just got back on track...
If you feel there’s something more than this the only thing I can suggest is that you see your doctor as they can start the process for further investigations and do some basic tests to ensure all is ok.
I hope you sort this soon and hope this helps you for now.
Thankyou Hun it’s ok! I was put on norethisform tablet from Gynacoligy had it for a month I think and it’s forced this period for me , I don’t know if it will be every month from now tho! They said if I don’t get any more then I’ve got to take them tablets again , I’ve got pcos as well tho so I don’t know if that’s effecting my fertility?
PCOS can affect fertility, keep going to gynaecology if it doesn’t come right. For your miscarriage, did you have a D&C?
Ah okay and I will do , I didn’t because I didn’t know until blood test came back and bled a week after , I missed 3 periods they was normal before that as well