Has anyone ever tried acupuncture specifically for fertility and found any benefits from it?
I'm currently considering whether to give it a go. Have found a local well established practitioner who is also a trained midwife and feel that it may be worth a try. The price is affordable for me for a few sessions.
I've been ttc for 18 months.
(On a side note, currently having all the PMS symptoms under the sun and so feeling a bit down waiting for af to show her ugly face).
All tests so far have come back fine. The only one I'm waiting for is hycosy to check my tubes.
I'm hoping this will be fine and if it is this would mean that we have unexplained infertility. (Of course it may not be and therefore I know my choices would be more limited).
If unexplained I'm therefore not sure when to consider going for fertility treatments (particularly because it is not funded where I live) and therefore wondering whether acupuncture is something to try whilst saving up funds.
If anyone has any stories positive or negative, I'd love to hear.