Hi everyone. i have been told today that ivf funding has been stopped for now for hearts valley. Does anyone know if this is true.
IVF Funding stopped for Hearts Valley... - Fertility Network UK
IVF Funding stopped for Hearts Valley ???

Yes. Certainly for the moment they aren't funding anything following a review of their existing policy.
It's only a temporary thing for the moment but I suspect it might become a permanent thing
thanks for your reply. My clinic has been lying to me saying they referred me for ivf a while ago . I phoned the clinic and the clinic where i was referred to has said they didn't receive anything for me.
That's crap. I might be completely wrong with this, but i think that even if you had been referred already, you wouldn't be funded anyway.
Hi Cyantist thanks for your reply.
On11 of September i had an appointment with my clinic.i was told that i was being referred for ivf to a london clinic and in the meantime i have to do a blood test becuz hubby is hep b positive. Im okay as i m immune.
The clinic knew about this at the beginning when i first started the fertility journey. The clinic we were being referred to for ivf was the same clinic me and hubby were thinking of having private IUI while waiting for ivf. I booked private consultation for iui . I was told that the clinic would not treat us for iui becuz of hubbys hep b. I then made the private iui clinic aware that we are also being ref to you for ivf. The clinic said o but we don't accept patients who are hep b positive and we should have been made aware of this at the time when we were told we are being ref.. So i let my nhs clinic know by email on the 16 september that they should not ref to the london clinic becuz they will only reject my application and to ref us somewhere else. I get a reply from my consultant secretary saying she has forwarded my email to my consultant. I then receive a letter saying i have appointment for 17 November with consultant as they want o discuss something. Me and hubby bend over backwards to fit this appointment in with work. Just 4 hours before our appointment with consultant i get a call from consultant that dont attened app as the clinic they were ref me to has rejected my application and also that funding has stpped. I was not given any info as to why it was rejected and when the ref was made. I was just told it was made a while ago.I knew they were lying to me about that they had ref me already .
So i ring up the clinic that i was ref to for ivf and guess what guys they said they have not recieved anything for us for ivf.
At this point i just wanna arghhhh ..Biting my tongue here.
How is this fair guys. I just feel let down . Lied to.
what should i do guys.
Thanks everyone.x
also was funding not stopped back in june and i just found out about it
It sounds like they have just been useless and no one there really knew what they were doing. You're right they stopped all funding months ago so you should have been told way back then and I can't believe you had an appointment in September and they didn't tell you! It's so unfair when actually in the 6 months since funding stopped you could have maybe made other plans or at least had the option to.
Do you now have a clinic that does treat patients with hep b? My London clinic was brilliant, but it's quite expensive and obviously I have no idea if they treat hep b positive patients.
I'm not sure about complaints procedures etc but someone else might be able to advise on that.
I'm sorry they've messed you about so much ☹️
Thanks honey for your support. I havent been talking to hubby either because i feel its his falut aswell becuz last yer i told him we should move to scotland as all my family and friends are there and we r liiving here in england becuz of work. He didnt agree and we have wasted three years for nothing.
Try not to blame hubby, it's easy to know what you should have done with hindsight but he could never have foreseenhow useless they would be and that they would cut funding so drastically during your journey. When you started this process the funding through Herts valleys was very very generous compared to almost everywhere else. Plus you get to be seen at some of the top London clinics which have success rates 3 times the national average. And the cost of moving would probably cover private ivf anyway! You need to be on the same side and I'm sure he feels crap about it all as well.
i decided last night when i told hubby that funding has stopped i have said to him and i was 100% that we r going private or we will go abroad thats it im not having anymore waiting around. I have compromised alottt for him. Because of his work and many other things. Now he needs to compromise and put this at the top of his list.
Thanks so much for your support i cant get this support from else where this forum is amazing and the people here are wonderful. I will let keep you posted. Thanks you so much honey.xxxx

Hi bibi_16, here is a link to a news item on our website - fertilitynetworkuk.org/cuts...
Please appeal to your CCG for funding and write to your MP as well. For more information and template letters please visit fertilitynetworkuk.org/for-...
For up to date information on all areas for funding please visit fertilityfairness.co.uk
Best wishes,