On the topic of DHEA, it’s not fair what a lot of us are having to do. Fair enough our consultants are recommending we take it, but none of them will follow us in that journey to monitor what effect it’s having. Nor do they tell people to buy the micronized version. Nor do they tell us what dose or when to stop, or what to do if you get pregnant or what do do if you do 4 or 5 back to back rounds like me and many others. I feel like I’m so often trying to “advise” people about the dose or where to buy when they haven’t been told, but I worry massively about giving bad advise as it’s not my place to but so many worried women ask. It’s been 3-4 years of consultants recommending it left right and centre but no one yet taking control of it.
As a positive, my “attempts” at getting pregnant have been better each time (ivf fail with no transfer, ivf fail with a double embryo transfer, to them a natural BFP followed by miscarriage) throughout 11 months of DHEA.
I actually do think it’s the dhea as my estrodiol was menopausal without it and now it’s in the normal range after 11 months dhea. But what the hell am I supposed to know??? I’m doing my best with no help!
Has anyone ever found a consultant to be more helpful than the above? Or any literature with more info than “it starts with the egg”?
I’m getting so frustrated because I feel like I am getting close to sorting out the issues stopping me having a baby yet I’m still miles away as no one will follow anything through.
I’m so sorry for the negative rant. I always try to be positive in here and try to share anything helpful. But I’ve hit a wall.