we're so new to all of this that I'm feeling pretty clueless to alot of the abbreviations that are on here...
what are some of the most used abbreviations please...?!
we're so new to all of this that I'm feeling pretty clueless to alot of the abbreviations that are on here...
what are some of the most used abbreviations please...?!
I'm afraid I only know a few of the common ones you probably already know, but to give you a start:
Ttc- trying to conceive
Tww- two week wait
Af- aunt flo
Bd- baby dance
Dpo- days post ovulation (dp- days post)
Dt- day transfer
I knew ttc but thay was it!!so thank you very much!!
If you go to the pinned posts at the bottom of the screen ( I'm going off my phone) there is a" meaning of abbreviations" post where it gives you them all, I was going to copy and paste them for you but it's a bit long 🤣
Ive tagged you in it so you can hopefully find it easier xx
thank you!!
If you scroll to bottom they will be on a pinned post. X