I have had faint positives on FRER for 72h (since PM d5p5dt) that are getting slowly darker and pinker but remaining quite pencil like. Last night I had a faint positive on a clear blue for the first time. But today I’ve done a dumb thing and got my hcg tested, 3 days before OTD 🤦🏻♀️. It’s really low - only 15! So I think it’s probably a chemical but also can’t make sense of the darkening lines. Wonder if anyone has ever had a blood test this early before on the advice of their clinic?
Has anyone had their first beta/OTD o... - Fertility Network UK
Has anyone had their first beta/OTD on d8p5dt?

Hi, I had mine done at 8dp and it was 85.
I don’t think the initial number matters. It’s more about if it doubles
Hi, I had my blood test 5dpt as we had FET abroad and wanted to know if I would need to bring meds with me back to the UK. Beta HCG was 20. 7dpt went up to 64. 11 dpt was 284.
Clear blue wasn't showing as positive for ages but first response was from 6dpt (faint line getting darker each day). Keeping my fingers crossed for you🤞
I got HCG tests early, because I got positives on FRERs since 5dpt with my two fresh transfers and I wanted to know if they were viable. The HCG was 60@ 8dp first transfer, and 20@10dp second transfer. The first one was a lot stronger but neither of those stuck long past OTD which I found out from later HCG tests and fading lines - the meds I was on meant no bleed so only way to tell. So I don't think the initial number matters, and lots of women only get positives later and close to/on OTD so the HCG must be very low before that. It's the doubling that seems to be the thing to monitor (if you can, through your GP or using online kits). This time (first FET) my HCG has been doubling on average and things are ok so far.
Best of luck but if it doesn't work this time I am very sorry as the disappointment after positives is very hard x
Thanks that’s really helpful It’s the fact that I’ve been having positive, gradually darkening FRERs since day 5 that’s making me scratch my head (hard) over this result. Do you remember if your lines were darkening both times in the lead up to OTD?
Yes definitely for the first one, and for the second one yes at first but then it was more inconsistent and they didn't really get as dark as quickly. This time around, it's been a much more obvious progress. Mine were also darker in the afternoon/evening than the morning and that could get confusing but I think it's different for everyone. I asked my GP to do tests a couple of days apart as I said I was worried about a loss following IVF. Then I used an online kit for reassurance a bit later this time - that was good but there's a delay getting the results, especially if it falls over a weekend.
Thanks so much - I feel like if someone collated all our anecdotal experience on this forum we would get more insights into early early pregnancy hcg levels incl rate of rise than there currently seems to be in the online medical literature (although I am super attention deficit when it comes to trawling through it 🙄). Mine are also darker in the afernoon - weird! Can I check where you got the online kit from?
Not on the advice of my clinic but I had mine done at 8dpt because I had had some bleeding. Mine was over 300 but I was pregnant with twins. It's still early days. I would wait a bit longer than the normal 48 hours and test again.
Hey lovely,
I had a transfer last month and also had a positive at 5dp5dt, not a squinter either! I had my beta done at 11dp5dt and came back at 86, I was absolutely gutted and my doctor warned it might not be viable. However on my repeat at 14dp5dt it had risen normally to 310 so 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 everything is going in the right direction.
I had a positive test at the same time with my daughter and my first beta was 956 so I was expecting something in the same region but it just goes to show the tests really don’t tell you anything! I wouldn’t count yourself out just yet, get a repeat blood test done tomorrow if you can xx