NO Symptoms after a FET feeling very ... - Fertility Network UK

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NO Symptoms after a FET feeling very unnerved!

15 Replies

We had our FET on 6th October, this time it felt a lot more positive our consultant was amazing very thorough took his time and even recorded the whole thing for us to watch back, a much more relaxed environment compared with last time, we walked out of there feeling completely relaxed and positive such a lovely feeling!

Then 2 days later and not feeling even a twinge I completely broke down and have struggled to pick myself up again, I’m convinced it’s not worked I’ve had no symptoms not even a slight cramp my boobs aren’t sore, nothing! It’s unnerving me, and I’m struggling to even think it’ll be a BFP at the end, I’m now 7dp5dt and ive given up on myself!

How has everyone else felt? Is what I’m feeling normal, these are completely different emotions to how I felt last time although, last time I had a lot of cramps and was convinced I was pregnant I was but i sadly miscarried at 5 weeks. This 2ww has been a struggle, please tell me it’s normal because I’m going insane with myself and my emotions, it really doesn’t help that I feel completely normal! 😳

Wishing everyone lots of luck in their 2ww I’ve seen there’s quite a few of us at this stage xxx

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15 Replies
Dream32 profile image

Hi there. I had my transfer two days before you and although I have had twinges and other symptoms I haven't had sore boobs. I think a lot of "symptoms" are the medication. I have terrible insomnia which is not like me but I'm putting that down to pessaries as it's a side effect.

Please don't stress yourself out about it, some people don't have any symptoms at all and i really think it's too early to tell by symptoms spotting. This 2ww is so hard please just stay focused it's won't be long till your otd.

Even though I've had two cp's which fresh cycles I can't compare this time with FET. I said to my DH the other day "I'm it sure how I'm suppose to feel" he just said it's too early to feel anything.

I wish you all the best x

in reply to Dream32

Ah thanks for replying! I’m glad I’m not the only one! I’m on lubion injections this time and still on the estrogen tablets too, and I feel absolutely fine! Last time I was on the pessaries and the cramping was all the time! Maybe they’ve got it right this time with the medications! I honestly feel like you I don’t know how to feel and feel like it’s not even in there! I’m dreading OTD next week because I don’t feel any different!

Good luck with yours, so nice to have someone so close to the dates I have, wishing you all the best xxx

Dream32 profile image
Dream32 in reply to

When I do my pessaries in the morning and evening I get camping after I take them.

It's so difficult to be hard on ourselves because it's everything we want.

Keep us posted on how you get on. I have everything crossed for you. X

I had a fet and had NO symptoms whatsoever and I am now 23 weeks. Get those positive thoughts back it's not over yet xxx

in reply to

THIS is very reassuring! Thank you so much for replying! Congratulations - hope your pregnancy so far has been healthy, I’m wishing you all the luck in the world for the rest of your weeks 🙂

A-Jay- profile image

Hie.. i am also very much worried as i am also not having any symptoms and tomorrow is my otd 😑😶 just having tight lower abdomen.. last time i had cramps but got a bfn.. hoping this time i get a bfp without any symptoms😏 good luck to you.. 😊

in reply to A-Jay-

I’m relieved I’m not the only one not having symptoms, good luck for tomorrow, hoepfully no symptoms is good news for us both! Xx

Hopesfornow profile image

Sorry I know it's late to respond. But did it work for you? I am 4dp5dt and I don't have any cramping at all...

Oasis1 profile image
Oasis1 in reply to Hopesfornow

Hi, I'm 4dp5dt also and have zero symptoms... Literally nothing

Spshope profile image
Spshope in reply to Oasis1

Did it work for you guys? I’m 7dp5dt and still feel nothing :-(

Becs1980 profile image

Hi I had FET 2 days ago and I have no symptoms at all. After my fresh cycle in March I got everything insomnia m, cramps, spotting (which unfortunately turned to full on bleeding) but this time I’m sleeping like a baby, feel absolutely no different. Just scared this isn’t a good sign

BabyBabyBaby profile image
BabyBabyBaby in reply to Becs1980

Hi! I’m having the same thing. Just cramping no blood. I heard that people get positives at this point I got a clear negative. I’m 4 day post transfer. Any Luck for you?

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to BabyBabyBaby

Its really early to get a postitive at 4 days post FET. Its hard not to get hung up on testing early.....I cant talk as I do it too. I would give it a good few days before trying again. We got a positive on a super sensitive FRER on day 7 which came up quickly but it would no way have shown at day 4. Good luck.xx

Becs1980 profile image
Becs1980 in reply to BabyBabyBaby

Hey yes I got a BFP. I however had a big bleed at 7 weeks bed was covered geared the worst but on scan baby was still there heart beating like mad. Had a scan at 8 weeks at fertility clinic all still well. I’m sick actually being sick all day everyday. I have meds for that now which help a little. Waiting for 12 week scan now 😬🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Hiddenunknown profile image
Hiddenunknown in reply to Becs1980

Hi hope your well, wanted to ask wth a FET what did you do to stay positive I am currently on day 3 and it’s really hard. Also what quality was your embryo

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