So today was transfer day we have two lovely embies transferred. Me and my partner have had a lovely day of laughter and enjoying each other's company, this evening I went to acupuncture when I returned I had really bad cramping which I knew would happen and not concerned over.
I have wrote this post over and over, I just feel a tad deflated going to bed as I went to the toilet a couple of hours ago and there was a pink tinge in some CM. sorry for the tmi, so I had a mini panic to which my partner reminded me that the nurse said this would be normal and they had to use a thicker catheter with some twisting.
I have been back to toilet and there is some slight spotting of pink/red. Not much at all.
This is my third cycle, two being chemical pregnancies. I used pessaries and never had a problem apart from the messy wax. I noticed this pink tinge before my evening pessaries.
I shouldn't worry but it's just hard not too. I have been so relaxed with this cycle and I don't want to feel negative.
I'm hoping for a good sleep and fingers crossed there's nothing further tomorrow.
Thank you for taking the time to read. X