10dp5dt decided not too test. - Fertility Network UK

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10dp5dt decided not too test.

ICSIBaby86 profile image
21 Replies

I was going to test today. But me and my partner decided against it. We'd rather live the next four days in hope than spend it upset. OTD is Thursday. We are going to hang in there till then! So far I have the mildest cramping barely noticeable but I'm very in tune with my body . Sore boobies. And the odd twinge behind my belly button. Nothing else ! No tiredness, no sickness... nothing ! At this point I literally have no Idea 🤷🏽‍♀️... I am worried about Thursday I don't know how il cope with another BFN. But until then I'm going to enjoy my last few days being Pasp ❤️🍀 sending virtual hugs to all the women that haven't had the news they've hoped for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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ICSIBaby86 profile image
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21 Replies
Amanda86 profile image

Well done for sticking with your OTD, I think your right, sometimes testing early isn't a good idea. So many people here have and get negative only to get a positive on OTD so it can definitely cause unnecessary upset.

Hope your baby shower went ok 😘

Good luck for Thursday xxx

Dream32 profile image

I think you both are making a good decision not to test until your OTD. Try and stay positive don't forget some people don't get any symptoms.

Hope you can try switch off over the few days and wishing you lots of luck 💕

C_L_A_I_R_E profile image

Well done for staying strong!!! 🤞🏻🍀➕

Lou9 profile image

Well done for being so strong. Will be sending lots of positive vibes your way over the next few days. X

kelsbels88 profile image

Well done I think it was a good decision , live in the moment a bit longer. Good luck for Thursday have everything crossed for you xx

Lolepops profile image

Hi I am the same test day as you . I had the two embryos transferred last Saturday and my test day is thurs . I have stupidly done a test today and it’s a BFN . I feel devastated so I advise you if you can to wait till thurs . Hope you are ok - I know what you are going through . Good luck xxx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Lolepops

I'm so sorry to hear this 😥 I've tested at 10dpt the last two transfers they've been BfN and I just spent the remaining 4 days crying and hoping. It's a horrible feeling I think that's what put me off this time round. I'm back in work tomorrow with this transfer. Last time I took 2weeks off work so I had time to cry it out. I don't think could put my face on and go to work tomorrow if it was negative. I hope your ok though 😢 I haven't got many words of comfort because I know how crushing it is and nothing helps you feel better, it's just time which helps and eventually life moves on a bit and you start thinking about trying again and before you know it you've managed to pick yourself back up and live relatively normal again ! I go from incredible depressing lows after BFNs to two weeks down the line putting my make up on and enjoying my night out with the girls. It really is a rollercoaster sending you lots of love xxxxx

Lolepops profile image
Lolepops in reply to ICSIBaby86

Thank you for the lovely words it really does help . I am back in work tomorrow and I really feel like I won’t be able to get through the day ( I’m a teacher and feel like I might burst into tears at any point). I am just hoping I get my strong head on in the morning . Did you period just arrive last time ? I wasn’t sure if the pessaries stop you starting ? How long did you have to wait between cycles ? You must be very strong to get through it each time . Sorry for all the questions I am just trying to get any positive thoughts in my head . Good luck in your tww xxx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Lolepops

No problem lovely this is my 3rd time now each time has been so different for me. I'm a nursery teacher , no escape from the little ones to have a sneaky cry, it's a hard job ! All smiles and patience but secretly crying inside ! My first transfer was a fresh one, I was taking cyclogest.

My period started to arrive 9dpy5dt I didn't even make it till test day. I tested 10dpt and had a bfn and continued to bleed... the 2nd time was my frozen cycle, I no longer had cyclogest I have Lubion progesterone injections.

These stopped my periods completely, I didn't bleed until stopping them about 2-3 days after OTD.

That was difficult because I hadn't bled I thought it had worked last time. I've had no spotting or bleeding this time either so i know that potentially the Lubion holding anything off. My period isn't due to OTD either ! So it's really close to the mark this time ! ...

between my first failed attempt I waited one month before starting again. After my second BFN I had a 2 month break. I've had 3 transfers since April ! So it's all moved relatively quickly. I'm under the NHS Heath Wales. I was told if this transfer fails il be able to have my treatment plan and hopefully start before the new year ! So I have to be honest it hasn't been long between each try xxxxxxx

Lolepops profile image
Lolepops in reply to ICSIBaby86

Thank you that makes me feel better . Unfortunately we had no Frosties which was devastating as I knew it all relied upon the two we had left at day 5. I’m on 400 dose of cyclogest twice a day which I think is quite a high dose . Gosh you have really been through it all . Really hope you get a BFP this time . Good luck and keep strong . Let’s both not cry in front of the kids tomorrow then 😂😂xxxx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Lolepops

Il be sitting them in front of the white board, with some milk and pepper pig to sneak off for a cry 😂 ... hope your ok, it does get better, this time next month you won't believe how much you've picked yourself back up ! That's one thing I've noticed through all this,I've shocked myself ! I never knew I had the ability to carry on even though the world is on my shoulders ❤️ we'l get our BFPs soon xxxx

Lolepops profile image
Lolepops in reply to ICSIBaby86

I just feel like I’ll never be positive about anything again . Nice to hear you do start to feel better at some point . Thank you so much . Sorry I’m not helping you very much . You have defo done the right thing not testing though. I am sure we will get a BFPs soon . Big hugs and I’m looking forward to hearing your good news xxxx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Lolepops

You too ! I'm not always this positive 🙈 I'm just having a positive day. Its just a rollercoaster ! Hope you feel better soon ❤️

Fredaflintstone profile image

That's the approach I'm taking too. I'd rather stay in blissful ignorance for as long as possible. My OTD (beta) is Thurs this week but gonna test on fri probably. They don't do beta test as such at my clinic just a yes no blood test so I will not travel all the way there for that. Prefer to test at home so going to wait. Also I will then have the weekend to cry if it's bad news. Poor hubby is working Sat and Sun tho so I may not tell him until he's off work again if I manage it if it's bad news.

I'm the same as you 'symptoms' wise - did have a fair amount of mild cramping in first few days but ever since just v mild twinges every now and then and sore boobs. Not tired, no spotting etc. Just saw loads of magpies in the garden so hoping the superstition is true. Wishing you lots of luck xx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Fredaflintstone

I don't know if no symptoms is a good thing or bad thing ! My oh is working Thursday I'm hoping Hel take the day off to test, il be ok I can go up my mams for a cry, but if I hate the thought of him being upset and going to work ! Its all just craziness ! People that catch naturally and have the joys of a positive test have no idea how lucky they are do they xxxxx

Fredaflintstone profile image
Fredaflintstone in reply to ICSIBaby86

I've got no idea either!!

They really don't do they? Fingers crossed next week is a happy one xx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Fredaflintstone

All the best to you ❤️🍀🌈

Sprinkles86 profile image

Well done for staying strong you've done so well xxxx

Daxi16 profile image

Fingers crossed for you those symptoms sounds promising to be honest. Do you usually get those symptoms pre AF? xx

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Daxi16

I do yes, I've got lower back ache, I feel like I need to stretch, I get quite tearful and little niggles ! I cant tell at all !!

Hayley5385 profile image

I tested way to early in my last cycle so definitely think you’re doing the right thing waiting for OTD. I’ll be keeeping my fingers crossed for you! 🤞🍀🌈 xxx

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