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10dp5dt - Help

PenneyPots profile image
18 Replies

I was browsing through all of your posts looking for advice, but then I didn’t really know what I was looking for.

I’m in work and have just lost my shit for absolutely no reason, got so worked Up and stressed, I have a tendency to go from flash to bang in seconds. I really tried not to get stressed in this two weeks. I feel like I was so close. Then I started to experience a bit of pain in my abdomen, like I’d been doing sit ups. It’s not possible I could have messed everything up with a bout of stress like that is there? I’m so paranoid.

So many emotions going around!

I haven’t been tempted to test in the slightest, 3 years and too many 1 lines/never having a positive has made me afraid of pregnancy tests and that sad little window. Im testing on Monday 10th Feb which is my OTD.

One tiny spot on my right boob and I have pain in my left side still. And now that feeling of doing 100 sit-ups.

Ah I don’t know. I’m a bloody stressed mess.

Hope everyone else is okay and not struggling too much with the 2ww.

The spotting has stopped so I should be grateful for that.


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PenneyPots profile image
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18 Replies
Keepingfaith85 profile image

Sorry to hear you're having a stressful time of it! The 2ww crazies happen to us all so don't you worry about that. Try to do something extra relaxing tonight and take some time out for yourself. Does your work know about your ivf? Do you get enough support? Xx

PenneyPots profile image
PenneyPots in reply to Keepingfaith85

Hey, thank you. Yeah they do know and they're pretty understanding about it. I just don't like to use it as an excuse for bad behaviour on my behalf. I always worry about taking the mick too so I won't ask for time off etc. It'll be okay, I have a couple of days off now so plenty of time to chill out.

Thanks for letting me know i am not alone :)

Nix321 profile image

Sorry to hear your struggling.

I also in the 2ww. I’m on day 9 but have been ask to test tomorrow on day 10. I also have a lot of pain- like sit up, cramp/stitch type. Also spotting since last night.

Try relax

Take time off if you need it (I have come home from work and in my current role I haven’t had any sick days in 6.5 years, I know it’s hard but do it).

Have you got any friends or relatives that can support you through it?

Or counselling?

Hope the test day goes well for you.

Good luck x

PenneyPots profile image
PenneyPots in reply to Nix321

I will definitely take more steps to chill out a bit.

Plenty of people to talk to, just hate to sound like a burden. I have a long weekend off now so I should chill out a bit.

Thank you! I am excited and nervous at the same time. x

RhinoCat profile image

Awh pet, your body is full of hormones and mood swings are totally normal . 💐Maybe you need to have a rest with a cup of something hot and breathe . 😘

It’s a stressful time and the closer we get to test day, the more I think we can convince ourselves that we’ve ‘caused’ the outcome but in reality if we can’t ‘make it happen’ then neither can we ‘stop it from happening’ 🤷🏼‍♀️.🤪🤯

Sending you love and hugs 🤗

PenneyPots profile image
PenneyPots in reply to RhinoCat

I know, you're right. It's a very crazy time and i should sit back and let science take it's course ☺️

Thank you for the hugs! Back at you xx

Penney dear! Awww 💋theres nothing that you could have done to hinder implantation..don’t worry about that. When i worry about asking myself whether stress can impact on the 2ww, I think of those poor rape victims that go on having a baby from that horrible and stressful experience. Yet it did implant! (Sorry about the harsh example)

Ok now I’m not sure my reply will cheer you up 😂but just to say that we’re all messes.

Hormones take over our bodies & mind, take it easy on yourself dear 💋💋💋eat some chocolate! 😃chocolate always helps!

Sending love xxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

PenneyPots profile image
PenneyPots in reply to

Thank you so much! I understand exactly and sometimes the harshest of examples are needed to send the message home.

I really hope you get good news too. I didn't get the bloody chocolate.


ttcemmie profile image

Hi love. Sorry it's so hard for you right now. Don't worry about the impact of getting stressed on implantation. This is a stressful situation, and no one would ever get pregnant if stress stopped pregnancy! Saying that; is there anything you can do to make this less stressful? (For you; not for the embryo per se). Can you take some time off work? Have your favourite food tonight? Sending you love and hugs. xx

PenneyPots profile image
PenneyPots in reply to ttcemmie

I have taken a couple of days off after today, I am going to take some long walks, nice hot shower tonight. Read my book and chill.

Thank you x

May37 profile image

Hi I totally get it.. I'm just out 2 ww and had a positive thrn bled a bit. Thought overdone it in gym. Work has been stressful so I just took a time out. Called my bro and went and sat in Costa. Just try to relax this eve and be kind to yourself. Hang in there wishing you lots luck x

PenneyPots profile image
PenneyPots in reply to May37

Congratulations on your positive!! I have spoken to my boss about going for a walk when my head has exploded. They are good to be fair.

Thank you for the good luck x

MissSaoPaulo profile image

Are you on progesterone? It made me feel homicidal for a while until my body got used to it. And starving all the time!! The 2ww is so hard, it's like a form of torture. I know what you mean about not testing though - you want to stay in your 'I could be pregnant' bubble as long as possible. I hope this is your time xxx

PenneyPots profile image
PenneyPots in reply to MissSaoPaulo

I am yes, I didn't know it had so many bloody side effects. My appetite has increased massively, I am never full!

I do like this bubble haha.

Thank you x

Crista240411 profile image

Oh hon, the 2ww is always dreadful! Give yourself some slack.. all these hormones and drugs are messing up with our minds and emotions.

Just try to think positively

Try to relax (I know.. easier said than done...) but try to do whatever usually gives you some piece of mind

PenneyPots profile image
PenneyPots in reply to Crista240411

I have definitely done that tonight. I was hugely wound up in work.

Day off tomorrow thank goodness x

Rainbowhope profile image

Hi sweets. Just try not to stress about stressing. I'm sure it didn't have any impact but the more you worry about it the worse for you. Bleeding during 2ww is common and doesnt mean it didn't work. Just treat yourself well and test on OTD. You'll be fine. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Xxx

sazzle2680 profile image

Hi Penney

My OTD is also on Monday 10th (had 5dt on Wed 29th). I feel your pain with the 2WW and stress at work! I’m currently writing a grievance. Ridiculous work stress has really impacted my cycle, so much so that it took nearly 10 weeks for my lining to thicken sufficiently for transfer. My stress dropped on a 5 day holiday mid Jan which is what finally got me over the line and ready for transfer. In my experience and in all honesty, a slight blip in a day won’t have any lasting impact. My situation has been ongoing and sustained since September.

I had a 6dt back in Aug and knew almost straight away it had implanted (miscarried at 5 +3). Sadly I haven’t had the same sensations this time. Wish I had your strength as I’ve been testing with First Response...which was negative again this morning at 9dp5dt. I know the stress was affecting the blood flow to lining which is why it didn’t thicken quickly so I’m thinking it may still be impacting blood supply now which might stop implantation.

You’re doing the right thing about taking a break for a few days just to get yourself back to yourself.

Good luck! Keeping everything crossed for you.

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