I've been for my consultation today after a failed fresh first cycle and have been told that I can do a natural ivf where the ET is timed 6 days after ovulation. Has anyone tried this with success? Would I be daft not to try this over a medicated Fet? X
Any success stories from natural ivf ... - Fertility Network UK
Any success stories from natural ivf from a frozen embryo?

I'm waiting on this too. No success story yet but the natural does appeal. Currently tracking ovulation and hopefully be in a position to start end Oct/Beg Nov. Wishing you lots of luck x
It's definitely appealing. I'm only just on my second period after failed cycle but going to start tracking. have you done anything in preparation? X good luck! Will be looking out for your positive news!
I have a success story from non medicated FET following failed frozen cycle. I am currently 18+2 weeks pregnant. Admittedly a tricky pregnancy but that's down to bad luck rather than the FET. I found the whole cycle much less stressful and swear that's why it was a success.
Feel free to ask any questions and good luck xx
That is lovely news! How long did you wait to start after your failed cycle? Did you just use the clear blue ovulation sticks? X did you do anything different in terms of diet and exercise in the lead up to the Fet?
I asked this question a couple of months ago as I was trying to decide between natural or medicated. I had quite a few ladies say they had success with natural transfer and they thought it was because they didn't have drugs in their system. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Thanks for the reply! I can't see that there is anything to lose in trying the natural cycle! Hope you have got on ok with your cycle ? X
Nurse consultation appt today and take prostrap injection a week today. I have gone with medicated one in the end because my clinic really wanted me to. My ovulation is all over the place so they said it would be difficult to predict when it was and there was a risk it could mean that transfer would be done on weekend with only skeleton staff and they didn't want to risk it.
I am same as you. 3 failed fresh cycles now got three frozen embies and going for natural cycle but with clexane and prednisolone ..here's hoping it's our time xxx
Hi, I have had 2 miracles and both were natural fets. My daughters are 2 and 6 weeks old. I found the whole process a million times easier and I do put it down to less drugs in my system ( I did the pessaries but that is it). They usually recommend it if you ovulate regularly and if male factor issues. I highly recommend obviously. You will find it a walk in the park compared! Wishing you all loads of luck xxx
Thanks for your reply! So it really can work! It's strange to think when you get to this point you have had to go through so much but feel lucky I can have this chance x
I hope you did try natural and it worked out for you. Never got pregnant with medicated and I react badly to the drugs, so I wonder why clinics keep pushing medicated all the time.
Last time, I decided to try fully natural. No medication. My consultant was very unsupportive of this, it was hurtful. I even had to demand blood tests, because the consultant did not order them. Fell pregnant. (I did a Clearblue pregnancy test exactly 7 days after the transfer and it was positive.) No support or checks from consultant or anyone at the clinic after the pregnancy was confirmed by them two weeks after transfer. It was almost as if he was not happy to be proved wrong.
Sadly, lost at it at 7 weeks. I hope you had a positive outcome.