If a man is found to have zero sorry count and a hormone imbalance is it possible for clomid to fix it by normalising the hormones and allowing the body to start producing sperm. TIA
Clomid and Zero sperm count - Fertility Network UK
Clomid and Zero sperm count
I think it really depends on the reason behind the zero sperm count. Lots of OH's on here have had this but then they have managed to retrieve sperm because it was cause by a blockage or something treatable.
You said he has a hormone imbalance, have they said what this is? Has he been sent for further investigation or genetic counselling. All of these might help to find usable sperm.
Hope that helps x
My hubby had a low sperm count and they went on to do genetics to find out if there was an underlying reason. They all came back fine but hubby also had low testosterone and high FSH. There wasnt anything they could do fo us to improve the numbers unfortuately but as they had some they were able to do ICSI (injecting the egg with a sperm). Not sure if your OH has found the reason for his no sperm count yet or not but I guess depending on the reason they may be able to do a surgical retrieval if for example her has a blockage.xx
Hi Natashalsl. I have heard of Clomid being used, but the ones that I have heard about that had some success, had to have sperm aspirated from the testicles afterwards. Fingers crossed that it works for him, if that is what is to happen. Obviously extensive hormone testing and perhaps genetics too. Let's hope there will be a solution and you can have treatment using his sperm. Diane
Mine had a zero count due to a blockage. Ssr was the only way
Only some blockades are treatable with Clomid not all. Moreover, surgery improves overall male fertility and not just boost the sperm count. But, it's unclear that which one can actually improve the chances of conception more. So, Clomid is the first line of treatment for male infertility related to sperm count.
As long as something can be treated with medication there is no point going for surgery unnecessarily.
Clomid only works if the reason of low sperm count or poor sperm motility is somehow related to testosterone irregularities. Not sure if it's really effective against zero sperm count. But the best way to deal with it will be to get a thorough diagnosis of what's causing it.
Sorry just seeing this post. Our initial reason for infertility was my husband had undescend testicles from birth and this was only brought down when he was about 13 years old. As a result he had not sperm count. However, after biopsy they found spermatozoa in his left testicles only. Not getting into too much detail, for our first child his urologist put him on Clomide, several selective vitamins and another drug that was used for breast cancer in women, sorry I cannot remember the name. Now after 3/4 months treatment of that the right side where they could not even see one spermicide it where they now found sperm that produced our son!!! He has gone through several biopsies and we managed to freeeze his spermicide once it is found. Yes found the root cause, but let his urologist do a biopsy to check if he is producing in the testicles. There is a famous urologist in the USA as well that specialises in this and I am told he is very successful with men that have this problem. Dr Turek. I hope this helps. We did not use him as I never know about him during our journey but I know others who have successfully used him.
Assume still needed the surgery to get the sperm out?