Hi guys just a quick question. When you have egg collection are you put to sleep?
Egg collection: Hi guys just a quick... - Fertility Network UK
Egg collection

Yep sweet at our clinic we are put to sleep x
My clinic use local anaesthetic although it knocked me out! Don't remember a thing 🙂 Xxx
At my clinic we just have a sedation and although your kind of aware that your in the room you don't remember anything about the procedure x
It all depends.. I wasn't asleep xx
Think it's under local, say I was sparko didn't feel or see a thing 😂 cx
I had the option of sedation but opted for just local anaesthetic & a bit of gas & air. It was absolutely fine. I'd be more worried about having a GA as it's a minor procedure x
I was give pain meds, was abit worried, never felt much. Nothing to worry about.
I had a sedation. Completely out of it but awake straight after and don't remember anything! X
I specifically requested sedation. I can't do smear tests without being in agony. My clinic were totally supportive. I was out sparko for all retrieval and transfers, they said it's makes no difference to the procedure or success rates.
I think it depends on the clinic. I had an anaesthetist who gave me sedation through a canulat in my hand. He said most people just go to sleep and have no recollection of the egg collection but others remember what went on. I just went off to sleep and remember nothing... which was probably a good thing as they were poking and prodding me for quite a while as they collected 28 eggs!!
Hi! I'm always put under sedation for egg collection and transfer because I can't tolerate internals, and I know they use sedation for all egg collections at my clinic xx
My clinic does sedation - completely out of it - can't remember a thing but you wake up very quickly & you're able to go home about an hour later. Only thing is you can't drive yourself so someone needs to be with you! x
Some clinic uses local anesthetic some others do put you to sleep, depends on the clinic! You won't feel a thing either way.
Def depends on diff places I was put to sleep. Felt strange n bit scary when going under but when I woke up it felt like I just had a really good sleep. Was lush. ☺️
I was awake and sedated was horrible and felt everything never had any left over embryos to freeze my next cycle I am moving clinic and they put u too sleep don’t think I could put myself through that again. Xx
I was given local and when i came rpund the nurses were crying with laugher.. 2 this day they have never told me what i was saying to them
It's been a heavy sedation at my clinic so you are completely out of it but it doesnt take as long to get over as a general anaesthetic
It usually is a conscious sedation, you are awake, but drowsy. The sedative causes amnesia, so most people do not remember anything, which is why you think you are spark out, but technically you are awake. And then they give you a pain killer as well through a cannula. My clinic was very good and gave more when needed.
It did not take very long and I did not feel any pain. Was quite a nice feeling 😇
Bit of cramping in the days after, but rest when needed and Paracetamol and it was ok.
Wish you all the best!
My clinic use heavy sedation so you're totally out. I am relieved because I bled quite a bit during my collection and I think I would have found that a bit scary had I been awake (I don't think many people have this problem FYI so don't let that scare you). It is actually really quite nice - when the drugs kick in you feel nice and fluffy just before you go completely, and then you wake up in the recovery bay after having what feels like a lovely sleep! I was super nervous about my first one and in some ways it was one of the easier parts of the IVF process. xx