Thats it - no more mr nice guy.... - Fertility Network UK

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Thats it - no more mr nice guy....

KatVonB profile image
β€’37 Replies

I measured myself today

Bust was 40"

Underbust (the band) 31 1/2"

Waist 40"

I used to be a size 8 I remember and 4 yrs ago was 8 st 9 lbs

Im now nearly 11 st

I know it looks like a rant but i am not going to allow myself to sit back and watch this get worse. Im going to get up in the morning and exercise like i used to. I want the active me back. And she is coming back with a fight in her πŸ’ͺπŸ½βœŠπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½

(This is purely for self motivation)

I will review my development in 3-4 weekly intervals

Would appreciate any supportive words of encouragement guys - anyone wanna join the quest is more than welcome πŸ˜ŽπŸ€“πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

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KatVonB profile image
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37 Replies
emiraven62 profile image

Oh, this is so good! Congrats! I run in the morning, is very helpful for lose weight.

My best wishes


Macavela profile image

I'll join you!πŸ˜ƒ I need some motivation to shift a good few pounds and get feeling good and motivated, we can do this!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

E_05 profile image

I could of written this post - literally been lying awake thinking about 'life'. how uncomfortable I feel and needing to do something about. We can do this πŸ’ͺ x

sandy112 profile image

Let's go girls x

7AVA profile image

I've just made myself a daily chart with aerobic, core and meditation sections to tick off each day if I do them. I'm not brilliant at keeping on top of it but helps keep me motivated! Good luck! X

NsKaz profile image

Omg I feel u! My tummy is still huge from my OHSS! I want to get back into exercise (used to run loads, do body pump and body combat as well as yoga regularly), but every time I do too much I'm just in pain. Since my BFN I have been eating and drinking what I want as felt like I needed a break, but your post has inspired me to get back on it! As soon as I'm well enough I'll be back in the gym too xx best of luck with it!

misswinky34 profile image


just chucking in my 2 pence worth please don't beat yourself up about the weight gain! Your hypo thyroid and the biggest side effect for that is weight gain.. Now that your on the meds, with a couple lifestyle tweaks like you've mentioned, you will be where you want to be very soon. 😊 the Levo will get your metabolism going again and then things should work better for you. We'll done for being motivated, i wish i did! πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ

KatVonB profile image
KatVonBβ€’ in reply tomisswinky34

Thanks n u can too we just have to feel like it n i just felt like it u knw! Xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Oh I really need to do something too! My weight has been creeping up through all the treatments I've been doing!! Best of luck!xx

KatVonB profile image
KatVonBβ€’ in reply toCinderella5

Thanks xxxx

TTCs profile image

This is me too. 2 years ago a size 8 just under 9 stone and now swaying above and below the 11 and a half stone mark. It's so hard to get motivated especially when your gym clothes no longer fit πŸ™ˆ I need to do this too! Are you going to follow a particular diet? Xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirlβ€’ in reply toTTCs

Ditto on the weight gain. I'm eating a balanced diet and in fact my diet hasn't really changed but I swear it's ivf drugs that make you gain weight. I've never been this big in my life! xx

KatVonB profile image
KatVonBβ€’ in reply toTugsgirl

Hey get ur thyroid checked too!! It really makes it hard to shake it off u knw xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirlβ€’ in reply toKatVonB

It was checked and it's ok xx

KatVonB profile image
KatVonBβ€’ in reply toTTCs

Hi! Not gonna follow a particular diet. Will be replacing one meal with slim fast (prob my evening meal) last time I literally ate like normal, exercised regularly, lost inches but no weight!! Will be doing interval training ☺️☺️

Amanda86 profile image

Well done for getting motivated! It's so tough.

I've luckily maintained my weight throughout IVF (give or take a few pounds) however, could have done with loosing a stone before I started IVF and tried but I have zero willpower! I then went on holiday end of July and I've gained a further 7 pounds πŸ˜‚ So, I now have a stone and a half id like to shift. I'm currently doing my FET so can't be too hardcore but I've started to eat much more healthily. I'm finding it hard but this morning I weighed myself and I've lost 4lbs so just need to keep at it πŸ™‚

Good luck and please keep us updated with your progress xxx

KatVonB profile image
KatVonBβ€’ in reply toAmanda86

Thanks and will do xxxxx

llc1987 profile image

Go girl! I'm using your inspiration to give me a kick up the bum. I used to go to the gym 4 times per week. Since lap and starting treatment I've stopped and barely make it once every month. Stimming is making me really bloated and my belly feels like a giant water bed at the minute. I've bought 3 new dresses to choose from for a wedding this weekend and now can't squish my wobbles into any of them!

aimzeliza profile image

Yup! This is me 100% me too! Feeling like an actual human balloon after a year of fertility treatment. Inflated from a comfortable 10st 7lbs to a marshmallow of a woman at nearly 12st 7lbs. My appetite is out of control and my hormones are constantly running at period-week crazy levels which means mega munchies. I feel terrible! I found some photos of myself, less than 2 years ago, such a different woman! But then that woman didn't know she was infertile and about to have IVF lol. Kick ass girl! Hopefully I shall find my zest again and get there too.

Oakey80 profile image

I had my 1st midwife appointment today at 10w5d pregnant and found out I've put on over 2 stone since last Nov....that's what 2 x back to back ivf treatments did for me! I'm now classed as obese and geriatric...gee I feel special!! I've been advised not to start any new exercise regimes now and to eat a balanced diet (no strict dieting or cutting out food groups)...I've been eating a balanced diet all the way through with only a few treats here and there so looks like I'm destined to be an oompa loompa for at least the next 7mths waaah!! 😣😩😭 xxx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13β€’ in reply toOakey80

What about long daily walks? Xxx

Oakey80 profile image
Oakey80β€’ in reply toScarlett13

They sound lovely! In an ideal world I'd walk 5k 3x a week as I used to run this before ivf...however I'm out the house 12hrs a day and coping with morning sickness and insomnia does not make for a happy bunny on my return. I'm just hoping I feel more human going into the 2nd trimester so I can at least exercise at weekends!...I spent 11mths last year trying to lose 2 stone to get nhs the end I was down to 800 calories a day and 5k runs several times a week as nothing else would make it budge...I even saw a dietician and had my thyroid checked (it's slightly underactive) All the girls in my family suffer this curse, whilst the boys are like bean fair grr! xxx

Asweetpea profile image

Sounds like you have taken the first massive step in realising u need to change things.

I do weight watchers which I find really supportive, even if ur not looking to lose loads. It's an healthy eating plan more than a diet.

I also do an online exercise plan. It's called bikini body mommy and it's 20 mins a day. She also has pregnancy plans, abs, recovery. I have found it brilliant. Even though I'm not a mumπŸ˜• yet. It's mainly aimed at women.

Oakey80 profile image
Oakey80β€’ in reply toAsweetpea

Hi Sweetpea! An online exercise plan sounds interesting....where can we find this? surely even I can fit in 20min in the evening....


Asweetpea profile image
Asweetpeaβ€’ in reply toOakey80

I have to say I've found her really good. She does it with u, struggles too and isn't stick thin!!! If you google it she has a website or u can find it YouTube. The basic routines r free.

Hope is ok to post the link, sorry if it's not.

Wish u the best of luck, keep us up to date on how ur doing.x

KatVonB profile image
KatVonBβ€’ in reply toAsweetpea

You know Bodmon zaid on insta is good.

Also all you need to do is

10 min warm up

1/2 hour of mixed cycles - 1 min run 1 min squats 1 min jump and 1 min break and repeat three times then do a 3 min cycle of diff exercises 3 times each and another set of 3 cycles 3 times each

I mean i did that a few months ago and felt Ahmaziiinnnggg xx

Scarlett13 profile image

I am so the same!!!! Was 8 stone 10, now 10 st 5. Not even started Ivf...but will be in a few months so want to eat really healthily to fill my body with goodness and to lose weight too. My gym membership expired 2 weeks ago but I'm not rejoining. I've bought a bike to get out into nature and get fit and relax at the same time. I'm also going to walk lots and go swimming once a week. I've also bought some basic gym equipment - I'll be doing 10kg kettle bell workouts at home using YouTube, and when watching telly, I'll be working out my arms with 3kg weights. We can do this!!!! I'm now having a green smoothie every day too x

Clare_lou profile image

Ah good for you! I'm totally there with you. When my last pregnancy ended in miscarriage, I felt so guilty that had continued running every day while I was pregnant. Blamed myself and stopped completely. Since then, grief, depression, comfort eating and ivf drugs have turned me into a big fat blob!

I feel so envious of other people who go running, to the gym etc. But I've been scared to 'just in case'....I think I need to say 'f*ck it' and get my life/body back too! Xx

7AVA profile image
7AVAβ€’ in reply toClare_lou

@Clare_lou I felt the same when I had a miscarriage. I had a total ban of running for about 3 months over winter last year when an acupuncturist had said to me that I should stop. But it made me so miserable that I ditched the acupuncturist and found another one who said it was ok to run in moderation (except no one can tell you what moderation is!!). I don't run further than 5k and I go pretty slow but I've since figured that if I got pregnant while I was running quite a lot than maybe running actually helped. Who knows! But I agree it's very frustrating - particularly when a friend of mine got pregnant while training for a half marathon over a year ago, which I wouldn't enter because I was worried it would affect my chances of conceiving. She's had the baby now and has just done her first triathlon post birth!! And I can't train for anything because I'll start down regging again this month!! Grrr! Sorry, rant over. I'll go and do some yoga to calm down! Good luck to you and hopefully we'll both be carrying bumps soon that will give us a real reason not to run! Xxx

KatVonB profile image
KatVonBβ€’ in reply to7AVA

Aww Amen to that!! Im just worried abt my thyroid now tho!! But i have gotten massive n m short in height so its not good to weigh so much!!!! Xx

7AVA profile image
7AVAβ€’ in reply toKatVonB

Good luck with your new health kick regime and hope your thyroid is ok xxx

Clare_lou profile image
Clare_louβ€’ in reply to7AVA

I'm sorry for you loss 7ava. Good for you for saying 'balls to this' after three months. It's been over 18 months for me! I had the same as you; my acupuncturist told me it was bad and that it would interfere with my chances of conceiving again. All this time down the line, I've spent a fortune on acupuncture, I'm a fat cow and I'm still not pregnant! Anyway, not seeing her anymore but starting treatment again soon so like you, I feel like I have to wait a bit longer to get back into it again.

Re your friend, it's just not fair is it! I was talking to my mum about it the other day and she was like 'don't worry about it...loads of people have babies who run marathons etc' I snapped at her 'yes, they do, but I can't seem to have one whatever I do!' Grrr!! People who've not been through this just don't understand how hard it is! Okay, that's my rant done! I think I need to go and do some yoga too!

Thank you. That would be amazing! I wish you all the luck in the world for your treatment xxx

7AVA profile image
7AVAβ€’ in reply toClare_lou

You too Clare_lou, I'll watch out for your progress on here. Xxx

KatVonB profile image
KatVonBβ€’ in reply toClare_lou

Yh i ditto what u say abt f it n getting body back in shape!! I feel its time to just do it u knw!! M confused tho cuz ppl who know a lot abt thyroid tell me too much exercise/ High intensity exercise will impact my Thyroid 😫😫 theres no winning x

Clare_lou profile image
Clare_louβ€’ in reply toKatVonB

Oh I know. It's so hard to know what to do for the best. I think that goes for everything, not just exercise...feels like life is on hold!

I don't know about thyroid issues and exercise but maybe it's a case of sticking with yoga, swimming etc. At least you'll be doing something and getting your blood moving, toning your muscles etc. Helps with the mood too! Xx

ICSIBaby86 profile image

I've gone from 9st to 10st4 through ivf I recently joined slimming world ( two weeks ago ) I've lost 6.5lb now ! I'm so pleased' finally have control of my weight again !! X

KatVonB profile image
KatVonBβ€’ in reply toICSIBaby86

Thats brill!!!

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