Hey everyone,
These last few days I've been so emotional - I know I could easily put it down to the drugs as I'm 2 weeks into down reg but I'm not sure if it's more than that..
I just feel like I can't be bothered to do anything, I get up every morning and carry on with 'life' but would happily just stay on the sofa all day with my pups, I'm not even sure why I'm feeling like it.
Everywhere I turn there are pregnant women or women that have just had babies or conceive so easily & I can't help feeling bitterly jealous.
I'm desperately trying to stay positive for this cycle but I think I've put so much pressure on myself this last year saying I just need another fresh cycle to have my healthy baby I'm now starting to think what happens if i don't get as good quality embryos as last time etc.
This time last year I was pregnant, my hubby and I were planning how & when to tell family. Life was finally looking good and soon it'll be the anniversary of when I delivered my tiny precious baby.
Sorry for me rambling on, think everything's just getting to much 😢