1st time FET after failed IVF - Fertility Network UK

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1st time FET after failed IVF

Bluebelle1 profile image
18 Replies

Hello everyone I haven't been on here for a while properly. After our first round of IVF failed in April i found it quite hard to keep in the loop of all things fertility and IVF related so gave myself a bit of a break....went on holiday, ate a lot, drunk a lot (put on half a stone waaaaa) But i am now ready to start our next cycle with a frozen transfer of a blastocyst from our first round :) I had my baseline scan on Tuesday all is ok and have started progynova x4 a day. Feeling very relaxed about it all...trying to just take each day as it comes and not get ahead of myself....I learnt last time that things can change on a daily basis. Just wanted to see if there was any tips or advice for frozen transfers from anyone...or if anyone is due to have their FET soon? Im slightly concerned because I have quite long cycles (35-37 days average) but the nurse was telling me ovulation doesn't affect a FET and they will usually transfer once my lining has reached 8mm then count 5 days after this. Is that right? I feel like my first time round i read up on everything and felt like i knew exactly what was going on....this time i feel a bit too relaxed/ignorant about it all...not sure if thats good or bad!

I hope everyone is doing well wether still TTC or now pregnant :) xxx

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18 Replies

On my FET I was on patches to thicken my lining I had a scan and my lining was 10mm so I started pessaries and lubion injections then 5 days after had my transfer xx

Good luck xx

Bluebelle1 profile image
Bluebelle1 in reply to

Thanks Button! And congratulations ☺️☺️☺️

Busybee88 profile image

Hey Bluebelle1,

I'm on day 7 of progynova for a FET after our first cycle ended in freeze all due to OHSS back in January. Many delays later and we're finally getting ready to have our one and only blastocyst transferred :) No advice to offer just a fellow traveller!

I hope you're doing ok - when's your tracking scan?

Busybee88 x

Bluebelle1 profile image
Bluebelle1 in reply to Busybee88

Hi busybee,

My next scan is tomorrow. Hoping my lining has increased in thickness?!!! Have you got a date for your transfer yet? We also only have one blasto so counting on that little guy to make it through the thaw! Good luck ☺️ Xx

Busybee88 profile image
Busybee88 in reply to Bluebelle1

My scan's tomorrow too, will get the date for transfer then (if all's thick enough!) Fingers crossed for us both x

Busybee88 profile image
Busybee88 in reply to Busybee88

Any news from you following your scan?

I'm back in again next Tuesday as I've had some bleeding so I've not thickened up enough and they've upped my oestrogen - hope yours went ok! x

Bluebelle1 profile image
Bluebelle1 in reply to Busybee88

Hi Busybee, Sorry to hear that hopefully the extra week will help and things will have thickneded up enough by then! Fingers crossed for you.

Luckily mine was ok and I have been booked in for the transfer next Weds. So hopefully all goes to plan! It all feels a bit surreal as last time in my fresh cycle everything was so intense with the injections and timing etc but this time i dont feel any different. Although i have been feeling really tired which they said could happen with the progynova. Have you had any side effects? xx

embiemomma profile image

I had a (successful) FET following my failed fresh last year, also a blastocyst. No need to time with ovulation as no egg collection needed, just a nice thick lining which is what the drugs will do. I found it a lot easier mentally and physically... And it worked! I now have a gorgeous 3 month old boy ☺ how many frosties do you have? We had 4 and they had to thaw 3 to get 1 good enough to transfer as the first 2 didn't thaw well - something to bear in mind as I presumed they would all thaw and the first would be fine! Also, the grade they are frozen isn't necessary the grade they thaw at! Do you have the option of 1 or 2 also? We didn't know we could and had to make an on the spot decision!!

Bluebelle1 profile image
Bluebelle1 in reply to embiemomma

Thanks for the reply and info really helpful! And congratulations....lovely to hear success stories!!! We have just the one blasto frozen so fingers crossed it survives. I read somewhere the rate of survival after thawing is quite high around 95% so fingers crossed. X

Bluebelle1 profile image
Bluebelle1 in reply to Bluebelle1

Also interesting about he grade changing after thawing didn't know that so thank you! X

Oakey80 profile image

Hi Bluebelle,

I'm 8dp5dt from my first fet after a bfn in March. I'm not sure I have any tips but I would say an fet treatment is sooooo much easier than a fresh cycle. The good points are obvious (ie no stims/ec) but the one negative I found is the 2ww has been hell. I think during the fresh cycle I felt so bad after ec that I was just super glad to have made it to the 2ww and I was convinced it hadn't worked anyway...this time I've been 50/50 literally my opinion swinging every 30 mins or so. Its driving me crazy! I didn't realise I'd be like this after the last time, so it's kinda knocked me for six.

To end on a good note though, when I was doing the down regging injection and pills (pills I still do now + crinone gel) I nearly forget to take them every day, as I'm so relaxed about it and and have had hardly any side effects. That parts been great!

Hope it all goes well! xxx

Bluebelle1 profile image
Bluebelle1 in reply to Oakey80

Hi Oakey

Thanks for replying! And congratulations I just saw your post fingers crossed for you everything progresses well! 🤞🏻 I have been really relaxed about everhibg so far! Might have after my next scan tomorrow! It must help to be more relaxed and not put your body through so much like with a fresh cycle! Here's hoping! Xx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Bluebelle1. Just wanted to wish you well with all of this, and of course for success. Try not to worry too much about the length of your cycle, as that can be manipulated to suit the treatment cycle. Good luck! Diane

Bluebelle1 profile image
Bluebelle1 in reply to DianeArnold

Thank you Diane! Xx

Chops22 profile image

Hi, I think being as relaxed as you are is a great thing. I have just been through my first FET and unfortunately got a BFN. I found the whole process quite stressful, not knowing when my appointments would be and what drugs I would be taking when to help me plan ahead. I was also avoiding my friends as I didn't tell anyone but close family about my journey. None of things helps the implantation as I believe stress has a major factor. I have one Blastocyst left from my first round and I am going to adopt the same approach as you and be much more relaxed moving forward. Good luck and let us know how you get on. xx

Bluebelle1 profile image
Bluebelle1 in reply to Chops22

Hi Chops, thanks for the reply. Its weird because I feel like its not really happening. Ive just about managed to remember to take all the medication and my transfer is scheduled for tomorrow morning so fingers crossed we get the call that everything has gone well with the thaw and it all goes ahead. Its hard regarding who to tell and who not to. We were more open last time and this time said its easier to keep on the quiet because of less appoinemtns so have kept it just to close family but i know what you mean about that having more pressure and stress on the situation what with having to lie etc. Good luck with your next try. xx

Chops22 profile image

Keep Zen and good luck :-)

PandaQueen profile image

i am also scheduled for FET anytime soon

my FET was cancelled last month my lining reached 13mm

but my progesterone was low

so my doctor prescribed progynova 3x a day

i only got 1 4~cell egg icsi not even a blastocyst some what worried

this is my first try on IVF

baby dust to us!

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