Thinks we're going so well with my buserelin injections but have woken up with a rotten headache, am hot yet cold and generally feel pants. Injection really hurt this morning too, struggled to get the needle in. Feels like I've gone backwards have been so positive and now worried about the rest of the treatment. X
Have the side effects started? 😥 - Fertility Network UK
Have the side effects started? 😥

It sounds like yes to be honest. I really struggled with headaches too on Burselin. I literally stayed in bed some days. Try to keep your fluids up and just tick each day off as it goes by. Big hug. x
Thinking of you. I really suffered with headaches I found plenty of fluids helped and I also had an Indian head massage which really seemed to help as well. Xx

This is horrible- worried about work tomorrow!
Hiya! I'm on day 20 of buserelin and this is my 2nd round...I might be the odd one out but I find the headache starts when I'm hungry 🙄 Unfortunately one of the other side effects for me is an increase in appetite so it doesn't do my waistline any good! I find I have to eat a certain food group to make it go away...its all about the healthy carbs for me (bran cereal/wholemeal pasta or wholemeal bread...or Bananas for that matter??)...I only need a handful (small amount) for the headache to disappear. Most fruit/veg/fatty foods don't help in the same way! As I say, I might be the odd ball here but worth a shot xxx
Unfortunately headaches are a side effect of the buserelin. This is the first of 3 days I haven't woken with a terrible head, work wanted to send me home in Friday looked that bad! I've been taking cocodimol (don't take any anti inflammatory meds, they're not allowed). I also find having a warm bath afterwards and just lying with my head under water helps. I've started on stims now and this stops the sore heads so there is light at the end of the tunnel!!xx
Thank you! Am I ok taking paracetamol? Can't seem to get the hot flush to go away. I have been feeling so good this feels like it's come completely out of the blue! X
I can sympathise! I had a bad migraine on Buserelin that last a few days. I also had night sweats & an afternoon of a hot flush! I, like Cinderella5, took codeine tablets & this was the only thing that worked for me - I had to take them for a day before it finally went.
I really hope it eases for you soon xxx

Thank you..... have had hot flushes all morning 😥xx
Yes that's definitely side effects. Sometimes just naming them and know what they are really helps. You're safe to take paracetamol for the headache and some people find hot baths help too. It's rotten but it is worth it.
Buserelin headaches are awful. I ended up at the hospital with one of mine because it affected my vision (my gp sent me to rule out anything else). Sometimes I couldn't even lift my head off the sofa or the bed. Drink lots of water. Take painkillers. Try a hot water bottle on your head, honestly it helps! xx
Thank you so so much. I would have done anything yesterday, felt so poorly! Haven't been as bad today, just a dull headache and random sweats ... got to keep positive though, this is only the start. Everyone on this site are so supportive- thank you everyone xx