So i got the call this morning.1fertilised .2 didnt make it .the last one was abit small yesterday so it only got injected today.we will know tomorrow if it fertilised.i really dont understand how we got to this.doc is optimistic im just numb and tired of the emotional rollercoaster .hoping the days go faster so that i know what exactly i am dealing with .i know it takes one and we have better sperm this time around .i am just tired.people around me are having babies when they want to .i just want my minute im all strong and the next im in tears .ivf what an experience ! All the best to everyone.
Update 4 eggs collected: So i got the... - Fertility Network UK
Update 4 eggs collected
So we know you at least have one, you're still in the game! This is good! Look at the turmoil I had yesterday with just one at collection and we're not out. You can do this!!! Have they booked in your transfer day yet or waiting to see how the smaller one fares? xx
Stay strong, it only takes one ❤🌈💋
It really is an experience alright. Fingers crossed for your next update xx
Fingers crossed for you. I'm 3 days into my stunning injections and up and down all the time. It's hard!! So don't beat yourself up. You've got one, potentially 2 🙌🏼 and we're all here wishing you the best of luck! let us know how you get on ❤❤❤ xxx
There is no other journey like this. I understand how tired you are. The emotional turmoil you go through with IVF is horrendous. You cannot prepare yourself for the highs and lows.
You need to hold out for your remaining egg and hopefully its a strong one and fingers crossed the other wee one ferilises overnight.
Try keep your chin up, you are not out by any stretch xx
Fingers crossed and sending you big hugs x
One or two embrios is not bad result. I had not less 5 fertalized. And now I'm at my sixes and sevens about choosing the right clinic now. Have failed ivfs though my problem start during the 2ww or later on. Need some quality donor egg for my next cycle.
Fingers crossed for your positive outcome x
You have a fertilised egg. That's one step closer. It might not be 6 or 7 or 27... but you need one to try. Focus on the next bit... try not to worry about the bits after that in case it goes wrong. It's so much easier giving advice! xx
As everyone says it only takes one. This journey is horrendous, it's so hard to take in as it's not how you pictured your life turning out. Good luck for your call this morning. X x x
UPDATE.Thank you everyone.i just got an update that the eggs are doing fine.The embryologist wants to push to day 4 so i guess thats a good sign.ET most probably on Monday depending on what they say later today.The lil one also fertilised so i guess we have two.Thats nice news considering i was feeling so down yesterday.Now im off to have a manicure and a nice hairdo.I have a wedding to attend later today.God knows i need some cheering up.Thank you again for the support .My regular people have no idea what this process can do to a super grateful i found you all.For everyone else struggling hang in there.lets all believe in miracles.😊

That's brilliant! Try to relax a little today and enjoy the wedding xx
Thats great news im so pleased yor little one came through and good they are going strong.
Your day will be a lovely distraction from all thats going on. Have a lovely time xx