Egg collection done this morning- 25 eggs collected vs 15 the last time so hoping for some good fertilisation & quality embryos- Im at higher risk of OHSS so they are keeping an eye on me for the next few days & hopefully we will get a 5 day transfer Tuesday 🙏️xx
EC done- 25 eggs collected!! - Fertility Network UK
EC done- 25 eggs collected!!

Wow did you do anything different this time round ? X

Nope nothing the only difference was I started on higher dose drugs, I didn't actually think I would have as many as last time cause I haven't felt as bloated etc this time round xx
Good luck with everything I'm on Day 5 of my down regs so not far behind you x
Wow thats awesome news. 25 wowsa, all the very best Laura
That's tons! Fingers crossed for some quality embryos coming from that! Well done and let's hope for no OHSS
Holy moly 25 eggs, that's amazing! Well done you! Good luck for the phone call tomorrow.xx
Wow, that's a huge number! Hope you're not too uncomfortable and good luck for fab fertilisation rates. x

Thank you, nope I don't feel uncomfortable at all really- long may it continue ha ha xx
wow, that's great number. My first round was about 17 eggs. Only 8 have been fertilized and were good ones.
Fingers crossed from some embryos of high quality!!!
Take care!!!
In my first round I had the 15 then 7 fertilised so Im hoping at least around half of these fertilise to good quality xx
25 brilliant number! I had 29 collected and was so worried about ohss. I drank so much water and sports drinks and lots of protein (protein bars and shakes). Not sure if the protein really helps but I read up on it. I was fine and had a 5 day transfer. All the best x
Wow great numbers! Rest up and fingers crossed for the call xxx
Fingers crossed x
Wow that's loads! Well done!
Our ED gave us 24 eggs and we got 6 blasts. Good luck and well done on all those eggs xxx

Aww fab! I hope we get some good results like yourself, last time we got a moderate blast this time we are hoping for a few top grade ones xx
Wow, you seem to be extremely fertile this time..! My greatest result was 17. How do feel after all that stimulation procedures?
Good luck with the thing
Wow great news your off to a very good start wishing you all the best over the next few days xxx

Thank you very much xx
All the best
Wow!! That's great Hun. Fingers crossed they are all high quality. Keep drinking plenty of water, I was told 3 litres a day!!! Good luck xx
Amazing number, hope there are great quality ones there!! xoxo
That's fantastic! Amazed but pleased you aren't incredibly sore. Everything crossed for lots of top grade embies for you 🤞 xx
Thank you, just waiting for the call now this morning, thought I may be a bit restless in the night but I slept like a log must have been the sedation ha ha x
That's really amazing congrats on the eggs! Can I ask what dose of stimms were you on? I've been put on a higher dose this time, 325 iu of gonal f. I have egg collection on Monday so hoping to get some more this time! (13 last time) xxx
I was on merional 225 this time and last time it was 150 so 75 more this time, the rest has been the same although as Im at higher risk of ohss now with so many eggs collected I have an additional blood thinning injection to take aswell. Fingers crossed for you for monday, hope you get lots of good quality eggs xx