I had a DE transfer 2 weeks ago and this morning did my test which was again a BFN.
Previously I have had 3 ivf attempts using ICSI and my own eggs. The 3rd attempt it did work briefly only to fail almost a week after when my period came along.
I guess I am asking if anyone has any suggestions to what I could do differently next time? My oh and I thought DE would be the answer to our prayers. We had 2 embryos - day 5 blastocysts. I wanted both put back but the clinic would only put back one. When you hear things like "can't you be happy with just one healthy happy baby?" and then you still end up with nothing it's devistating.
They didn't give me the 'scratch' this time. I am wondering if I have NK cells?
Any thoughts or suggestions on how I could get tested for NK cells or things to do differently would be much appreciated. xx