Well we got to the clinic and it was pretty good news! We'd had three mature eggs collected, all three fertilized normally, and today there were two good quality blastocysts! And the third is still hanging in there, so may end up as a day 6 blast or late 5 day blast, we don't know.
Our doctor insisted that we only transfer one, however. I sort of thought that he would want to transfer all if we had them. But he said since I was just pregnant less than three months ago, and have no implantation problems, since our first ever blast transfer was a BFP, that he was scared of a twin pregnancy for me. He was especially scared that if one's chromosomes were abnormal, like last time, that I could have another later miscarriage it could endanger the other baby, etc.
This is my first fresh transfer and my third transfer all in all. I do feel much more relaxed about it. I hope everyone is having an okay day, and all the hugs in the world to you if it's a hard one xoxoxoxo
(Me: 42, stage IV endo, double salpingectomy)