It's begun. The sleepless nights.
Those nights where only your faithful friend google will tell you 'what are the chances of an embryo sticking inside me and making me pregnant' or 'if I take three weeks off work will everyone know I'm having treatment'.
Just me and the little glow from my iPhone between 3am and 5am. Some nights I ask the same logical questions each night like "How successful is DE IVF for a 35 year old woman with size 7 feet and brown hair." Some nights I ask something completely random like "will I ever stop worrying about if it will work?".
Our treatment doesn't begin until April. I've a way to go. So today, while shopping for baskets to keep my vegetables in (it's the small things that take my mind off things and stop me reading every book and piece of paper I've already been given!) I spotted this book. And decided to start writing down my night time thoughts. Writing about why I have them rather than searching for answers.
What are the chances I sleep straight through tonight?