Hi ladies,
Just looking for some advice as I have pretty bad endometriosis and lwe're finally about to start IVF at the end of January (exact date will depend on my cycle) I will be doing the 35 day protocol as the drs say this will be best for my endometriosis. They have warned that my endo will flare up even worse while injecting.
I was wanting to ask for advice and examples of anyone else's experience on the injections with endo? As my endo is horrendous as it is anyway so I just want to be as prepared as I can be.
Also they discovered a small cyst in my right ovary - I've never had cysts before- but my right ovary is my 'good' ovary as my left one is really small and damaged from endometriosis, they also saw more endometriomas on my left ovary again. They aren't going to do anything about these at this stage and just start the IVF otherwise it would mean another lap before hand and I've only just had 2 in the last 12 months!
So they said at the point of egg collection they may need to drain them to get to the follicles and eggs that will be behind them. I didn't think to ask at the time how they'll do this?
Does anyone know if they can do this while 'down below' doing the egg collection? Or will they then need to change to a laparoscopy get in to drain them away?
Thanks in advance for your help xxx