So im 6days into stulation (150 menopur) which they have just upped to 225. Ive got 11 follicles though only 3 are big enough for them to count. My levels are on the low side... should i be worried or is it too early to tell? Ive got another scan on monday so i guess we'll see
Slow growing follicles or just normal? - Fertility Network UK
Slow growing follicles or just normal?

Sounds fine to scan on Monday..that's over 5 days...loads can happen in that time and upped medication, that quite normal doing good....try and chill and not worry...loads of Positive vibes xxx
Warmth with a hot water bottle is meant to help follicle growth
Not after transfer though x
Hi I was in the exact same situation as you. Menopur 150 upper to 225. I ended up with 14 eggs at egg collection in the end but only 9 were mature and 5 fertilised. There is still time for your other follicles to catch up.
Is this your first round? It was for me and in hindsight I think they were very cautious with dosage to begin with.
But it only takes one! Good luck Hun x

Yeah it's my first round! Just don't know what to expect.... hopefully they will all start to grow soon! Like you say only need one good one 😊
Stay positive chick! Hopefully we all get some hsppy news soon ! Let me know how you get on X

Hi WishingandHoping. You've been started on a low dose, so upping it to 225 could just do the trick. Try not to despair, as some of you are slow responders and have to continue with stims for a little longer. Hope all goes well in the end for you. thinking of you. Diane
Thank you! Fingers crossed it all goes to plan... its just hard to know where we should be vs where we are x
Responding to this even though it is old in case other people are searching for the same information. We had a poor response on our first scan, having taken a high dose of gonal f (225) for 4 days (cyclus d7). With only 4 small follicles total, we had a nervous couple of days before second scan (d10). In the scan today there were 10 good-sized follicles. Doctors told us it can be normal not to see great results on d7. We have our next scan in two days, fingers crossed!