Hi. Anyone got any advice on low egg reserve? We failed our one and only nhs attempt sadly and are going private. But would like to try naturally this month. It will probably never work butI would try anything at this stage. Any ideas?
Low egg reserve : Hi. Anyone got any... - Fertility Network UK
Low egg reserve

Hi sorry it didn't work, have you looked into using DHEA? Lots of women have had a lot of success with it. Normally they take 75mg a day (1tablet 3xaday) you can buy them from biovea. Also consider reading 'it starts with the egg' by Rebecca fett. Good luck on your journey x
Thanks have never heard of dhea what is it exactly? Will look into the book.
Hi katya38. Regarding treatment with Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) it is still in its early days. Women with reduced ovarian reserve have been given 75 mgs of this drug a day, in divided doses of 25 mgs 3 times a day for around 2 months, been found to respond better to stimulation during IVF. Some consultants will offer treatment with DHEA. You would need to ask and discuss this thoroughly with your consultant to see if he/she agrees with it and also regarding the potential side effects, which are similar to using steroids.
A 41 yr old lady I spoke with recently who has had treatment with DHEA after several failed attempts at IVF/ICSI and she has just had 8 eggs retrieved after apparently only ever managing 2-3 per cycle. She used it for 2 months. Hope this helps a little. Meanwhile, I do wish you both well with whatever you decide. Diane
Thank you very much Diane. However I only got 1 egg at my recent failed ICSI so my egg reserve must be incredibly low. Think we're going with egg donation.
hi katya38. Oh I'm so pleased you have decided to try that. Without sounding cynical, it is a wonderful way of being able to grow your baby, feel it move, give birth and even breast feed if you want. I have albums of very happy families that have been successfully created through using an egg donor. I really do wish you both well with this - and of course for success! Diane
Hi Katya38, Im taking DHEA for our next cycle the amounts that poochi has advised. I know you're looking to try naturally so this may not help but when I asked at my clinic about it they said the had seen some patients that had better yields of eggs collected so it was worth a try and there is emerging studies that have shown the same. I think as Diane said the recommended timescale is 2-3 months. Always worth trying naturally, as you say its a long shot but why not!x
I stumbled across eggdonationfriends com which has tons of info on eggs quality. I hope this is helpful to you. Best of luck