Any advice please : Last Wednesday my... - Fertility Network UK

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Any advice please

9 Replies

Last Wednesday my doctor told me that I had a 10% chance of conceving naturally, my partner and I have been trying for 1and a half years with no luck. After my scans and blood tests I was told my follicle count was three and egg quality poor next step is to repeat scan on my next period if folicel count is increased then they will try not one round of ivf if not no more treatment on nhs. I havent been told anything about folicel simulating drugs which I've read about and I'm also considering doing some acupuncture if anyone has any advice or more information it would be much appreciated as didn't feel that I had enough explained about options and treatment in my last appointment. Xx

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9 Replies
anna0908 profile image

Hi. I got refused treatment on nhs for ivf because I had fsh of 10.5, which suggested low egg reserve. Amh a little low too at 5.1. Have you had these bloods done? Is this why they are saying you have poor quality eggs? After I was refused nhs treatment, we paid for a private consult and he was much more optimistic. He said age was the best indicator - I was 37 at the time, but would need a higher strength if drugs and wouldn't get as many eggs, but it didn't mean the eggs I did get would be poor quality. I only has follicle count of 4 pre treatment, but had more grow with treatment - 9 both times with 5 eggs and 6 eggs on my 2 treatments. No bfp yet buy got 3 good embryos last time, 2 of which are waiting for me in the freezer. I had acupuncture too for about a year buy stopped as getting too expensive and didn't feel it had made a difference for me. Am happy to answer any questions you have x

in reply to anna0908

Thank you for your feedback it is so helpful to hear others in the same situation it's a very lonely and at times heartbreaking experience and you have to be so selective on who you tell friends and family wise. Yes blood tests as follows AMH 6.5 fsh 16.2 lh 7.1, just felt like the hospital didn't explain anything about helping to improve folicel count but I suppose it's lack of funding on the nhs so will need to look at private I think, just worried about the cost and what we can afford xx

Petree86 profile image

Hi nmil, hope you're well. It really is a postcode lottery because I was told that if I was in any other borough, I wouldn't have been given any NHS funded treatment but because it was Newham, they let me try ivf although every doctor in the hospital did not think it would work. I don't blame them as fsh is in 30s and amh was 0.4.

Honestly the first round of ivf does not always work because the doctors won't know which drugs/protocol is best for you which is why 3 ivf attempts is recommended in the NICE guidelines.

Try speaking with the doctor and explaining that to them as although they say that your chances are low, doesn't mean that you won't respond to the stimulation drugs.

Let me know how you get on xx take care

in reply to Petree86

Thank you for your feedback back I'm going to email my doctor with all my questions as didn't have my blood test results explained to me and feel that I need to give myself the best chance of increased folicel count for my next scan before they say they can do no more on the nhs, it's been quite an overwelming week it's hard to not stress and get down about it but trying to stay upbeat and positive for my self and partner xx

emu2016 profile image

Our Dr was very honest with us about our chances. FSH has been between 14 & 18.5, AMH is 4. AFC is 0.4.

We think our free round of IVF will be our only one using my eggs if it doesn't work. It's so much to get your head around isn't it.

Write all those questions down and send them over. Regardless of it being free; you're still paying some way or another! xx

Datak profile image

I only got one round of NHS funded ivf, ended uo with one embie to transfer and a bfn despite hyper big doses. I was then told I had less than 5% chance due to my age and low amh etc. Dr told me donor eggs only way to go. We decided to try a 'natural' protocol designed for women like me ... they go for quality rather than quantity and very mild stim (so cheaper). Oddly enough I now have 4 embies (grade 1) and three embies from 3 cycles ready for fet. Not there yet but I feel as though I have a chance now even though I was completely written off after my NHS cycle. It's all so technical and scary ... such big decisions at a time you so emotional. Take care of yourself and make sure you give yourself time to breathe and think ... I know if I'm not really careful it feels like I'm just being carried along by a tide I have no control over when dealing with medical stuff xxxx good luck xxxx

Thank you dakat and best of luck to you I hope all goes well!! I just find it so hard when everyone round you seems to be popping babies all over the place and you just sit there and smile as no one knows what your going through, i when for some acupuncture today and my guy told me you have to live in the moment not the future and I think that has really helped me today as I just feel I spend my life planning for next ovulation and period dates it's such a hard cycle to get out off xx

alockie profile image

I can't offer any advice really, but I thought I'd post this: eggdonationfriends. I found their articles useful, so other might

nicknick profile image

A close friend of mine had acupuncture before and during her ivf treatment. It may be a coincidence but she got pregnant on her first attempt.

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