Is this real? 😃 (top one Tesco brand, bottom one first response) oh I hope you lovely ladies can see the faint lines, the pic is bad quality. I'm still shaking. Could this really be our time. I'm just so used to seeing a negative test for over 6years and through 6 transfers. Praying the beta on Tuesday is positive Xx
Bfp? 9dp3dt 6th attempt: Is this real... - Fertility Network UK
Bfp? 9dp3dt 6th attempt

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I Defo see a pink faint line on the second test. Really hoping it is. I brought the clear blue one that is digital and tells you pregnant or not and then how many weeks you are. If you brave maybe try one of them in a couple of days. Fingers and toes crossed. Xxx
Thank you for replying, oh I have every Part of me crossed that this is it. I'm still shaking now. Good thinking, I think im going to maybe get a clear blue digital test tomorrow and do that Saturday morning. We go back to the hospital next Tue for beta. I'm all nervous now iv never had this happen on all of our tries. Xx
Congratulations flossy , i would of thought that ur trigger shot was out of ur system by 9dpt so i think this is ur turn 😆 i can def see faint lines on both tests... fingers crossed for your beta on tuesday 😘 u must be over the moon ! Xxx
Defo a line on each one it's defo your time Hun, congratulations even looks like u might have 2 embies for the price of 1 TWINS 😳😁😀 xxxx
Thank you so much. Oh I didn't even think about that, I had two embryos transferred. It could be twins 😃 wow. I'm still shaking and keep crying I dont know what to do with myself haha Xx
Enjoy it Hun, lol u make me laugh as if u forgot shows how excited u are, bless u, ❤️ People like u give me hope I've just had a failed attempt and I know how I feel 5 times u have been through it your a very strong girl, xxx sending u lots of baby dust 😘
Aww thank you so much, I'm so sorry to hear of your failed attempt. It certainly does hurt everytime, I can honestly say I have no idea how I have kept going this long. Never give up hope hun you've came this far. I hope and pray you get good news next time. I honestly thought it hadn't worked this time again as iv had the same symptoms as all other tries cramps, nausea, spotting and feeling like period coming so was feeling down. I'm clinging onto hope now, tues can't come soon enough. Fingers crossed for your next try xxx
Definitely looks good to me, fantastic news😀😀😀 xxxx
So happy for you but i would be the same i think ! You have tried so hard for this result its only natural for u to feel like that ! Keep us updated on how u get on with ur beta ! Good luck , try and enjoy this moment flossy you have waited so long for it xx
OMG Flossy85!!! Definitely double lines on both of those tests... They might be faint today but hopefully they'll get stronger & clearer as the days go by. I'm soooooo pleased for you ❤😚 x x
Thank you I'm in shock still shaking and staring at tests, iv never had this come up with a second line before so I don't know how to react. Iv sat and cried lol. I'm certainly going to do a test each day between now and Tue xxx
Aw big hugs Flossy85... It certainly looks like your xmas miracle has arrived 🎅🎄❤😚 x x x
I am hoping for a positive beta next Tue then I can celebrate, think I will try to remain calm until then lol. It would be the best early Xmas present we would ever wish for. I will be hoping and praying for a Xmas miracle for you also it's certainly your time too. Xx 🎅🎄🎁
Aw that's so nice of you to say that Flossy85 ❤ Xmas is my favourite time of year and I'd hate for it to be spoiled with an unwanted BFN. I sincerely hope it's 3rd time lucky for me. The thought of going through another fresh cycle fills me with dread x x x
I've jut had a failed attempt it's so hard this time of year good luck to u I hope you get your BFP xxx
We only have 2embryos left frozen, I was dreading getting nearer to having to go through another fresh cycle too as I had severe ohss last time that became life threatening. If this try didn't work I was to have more tests etc and more prodding and poking. It's certainly not easy, took a lot of patience and strength and tears to get this far. Just so scared something is gonna go wrong now. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you it would be amazing if we all got Xmas miracles 🎅🎁✨💗 xxx
Aw you've been through so much ❤ How did today's HPT look? 😚 x x
I have everything crossed for you xx
They both look positive to me! Keeping my fingers crossed for your beta test on Tuesday.
Good luck if you do the clearblue on Saturday! x
Thankyou hopeful1982 I still can't believe it, I honestly thought I was seeing things. I'm so used to nagative tests and failed cycles. I have done another first response this morning and its still got a second line, hasn't got darker tho. Xx
Give it a few days, it's still pretty early so should get darker over time. I don't think I'll ever forget the moment of my BFP - the relief was overwhelming! I'm pretty sure I was crying and shaking! x
Oh there was certainly lots of crying and shaking going on yesterday 😂. I have gone test crazy and done another first response at 1pm and it came up straightaway and got much darker than yesterday it's very clear. I feel a bit more relieved seeing it go darker. Roll on Tue, please let this be it 🎁✨ Xx
Hi just wanted to say I really hope u will get to watch the lines go darker xx good luck xx ☺
Yay!! I can see the lines on both
Keep smiling x
I no someones test who came up like this so she tested each day and the line just got darker and darker , best of luck 💖 Xxxx
Thank you melaineh I hope mine do, iv done another test this morning and the second line came up again, it just looks the same as yesterday tho, will it take another day or two to show darker? Xx 💗
I can definitely see the lines! How exciting for you what a Christmas present, good luck for the coming months xxx
Round 6 was our winner too! Hooray! Now for the next longest wait of your life! Scan date!
Oh filmgirl I remember you telling me after my 5th fail that no.6 was your winner 😊 I'm only on day 10 of 2ww so still have to make it until my beta next Tue too. I'm praying so hard that nothing happens between now and then, I'm even more nervous for test day now. I tested again today and got same light line again, is it meant to get darker everyday or can it take a few days to get darker? It's got me worrying lol Xx
My test lines came up quickly, but didn't get darker until 4-5 days after the first one. One brand the line stayed the same darkness.
Iv gone test crazy lol, iv just done another first response at 1pm and the line came up straightaway and was much darker than yesterday it's very clear now so I'm starting to relax a bit more Xx
We should buy stocks in pregnancy tests as none of us believe the results for the first few days and go through tons!
Just an update...I have tested each day and tests still positive, line still lighter than the other but definately getting darker. Fingers crossed for beta on Tue , don't think il ever stop worrying ✨💗 Xx
Congrats girl it is real. I get a BFP on the 28th of Nov too. Kisses girl. Am sooo happy for uuuuuu