I've avoided coming on here as I've been so angry for the past month that nothing has made me feel better (realisation I was due on 23rd Dec), but i've just had a read through loads of posts and frankly I think we're all feeling the same for one reason or another. Its strange as I feel in a bubble in the 'real world' but on here I feel like what we're going through is more the norm and in a weird way it gives me comfort that i'm feeling exactly the same as others and that they actually get it. Dont get me wrong I wish none of you were going through this and I really hope you get the positive result really quickly.
So end of last week I emailed & booked to go back to the Czech Republic for my 3rd round at the end of January. Hubby has decided hes not coming though as he doesnt want to use all his holidays but I'm at the point of not caring as they have some frozen sperm & its felt like i've been on this journey by myself the whole time so he might as well not come.
My co-ordinator has advised I eat a healthy diet & to include lots of Avocados and Salmon and to ensure I exercise, so obviously I'm going over board and having a whole avocado every day and salmon every other day... exercise isnt too bad but I could do better.
1 month today I fly out & i'm letting myself get excited & believe (as whats the point if I dont). I cant wait for the worst year ever to be over, I'm even glad hubby is working christmas day so I dont have to see his family haha always a silver lining
Thanks for letting me getting this off my chest, its amazing how good it makes me feel just sharing this.
Best wishes to all, Andrea xxxxx